POESÍA EN PROSA MIKAELA Cuando llegaban las brisas con sus voces transparentes, besuqueando robles y al
mendros, ella, Mikaela, me pedía que la echara a volar. Yo la revisaba, probaba su run – run, le medía su cola y amarraba su cabello alborotado. Le echaba pegante en sus roturas, le hacía mantenimiento de fiesta. Ella coqueteaba descaradamente con sus ojos luminosos, se contoneaba en la punta de sus feet and clung to me and say that was measured higher than last year, already a woman. I remember she was a woman since August last year when bringing dance to playón to premiere their new perendengues. But it was acting like spoiled child happy, then made her cuddles and her voice was low as the small birds cry in the breeze. I never liked having it controlled, for what, she always came back when night showed its first dark stripe. So this time it would be different. She got beautiful, sprayed the body with its cherry blossom perfume, that I gave a fair afternoon Fontibón. It flicked its long scarlet mane unique grace, she became my waist and pulled her seduced me, leaned back in my chest so sensual and subtlety characteristic of an experienced lover, contorted to bite his ear, while their My hands were clenched. Then he turned away laughing, asking for patience as it was the wind first three in the afternoon. Together open front door and she jumped happily enjoying the freedom from my hands. Immediately stopped running and there was a woman in the world as happy as Mikaela. With a leap perched on the back of the wind and scream galloped cloud. He shook her trying to tear it down, but she held firm while thunderous roar with laughter, throwing kisses from me I ran up and desperate to fall right into my mouth. The trees arched envious because they could not raise or grow as high as Mikaela. A huge vulture was launched against it, but with a double whammy of hands made a fine parable of the bird's beak was only a piece of cotton a cloud inappropriate. But with the north wind is not played to my carelessness and its powerful hands of god love blew me the link. I ran like crazy while Mikaela was lost in the distance kidnapped by air.