Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wholesale Chicken Wings

Flu, elections and some rest

Today I stayed home.

medical prescription orders. I update my email and my favorite on You Tube. Cat food what else can you do with that purring ball of fur?, Rest a while, I think, not too much and read more than they should. Interestingly

the day before my birthday number 45, which shows that I have five decades my back, do not look at my life, do not use that time machine that takes us to an unchanging past. The present and the future is what concerns me, what makes me up every morning to give the best (not always a big deal, but sometimes ...) in these two schools where life and bureaucracy have led me.

Influenza A is a phenomenon not remarkable.

Not so much for the purely medical, but by their performance in the collective imagination.

There's the living washing hands (alcohol gel, staple, to teach how to produce it) as well as many "ideal typen," the indifference, the daring, who believes it's all a big lie, the that advantage to make clear her agoraphobia, who knows all and thanking the "fever" for his alibi for fear.

And the media, of course, and those discussed in the virtual world of the media, and officials of various kinds, and doctors who understand the issue, and doctors are experts.

And the virus, underneath it all, hidden, silent, cunning, sabotaging the school year, open-mouth kissing, sharing mates, alumni trips and movie premieres. Until the elections, these useless primaries, open and binding, are also victims of the virus, tiny, unconscious of his immense power.

Sneezing and you look bad. Coughing and looking for a mask. Amagá a greeting and send you, politely, to stay at home and not go bothering the good and healthy people.

Las buenas y sanas gentes que hace unos pocos días votaron senadores y diputados de la Nación. Las sanas y buenas gentes que apostaron a uno de los tres; el circunspecto, el carialegre y, en otra categoría pero equiparado, el soldadito fiel. Lejos quedó mi estimado Carlos del Frade, el único tipo que conozco capaz de hacer del periodismo poesía y parábola. Lejos quedó un tipo con coherencia, con un proyecto claro, preciso, realizable, con ganas de construir. Lejos, no estuvo en los medios, did not exist.

Each time there are elections reminded me an episode of the Simpsons (some harebrained still believe they are "cartoons") A pair of aliens have taken over the bodies of the two presidential candidates and participate in a pre-election debate where both say the same thing until finally declare to the people who "have to vote for one of the two, because the system is bipartisan. " When a misplaced comments that could "opt for a third," tease "forward throw your vote away. " Is that, after all, no matter who both vote, do so and legitimate exercise of power, look for an alternative is for dreamers, not any.

why PCR Boys call not to vote, almost anarchistic curious proposal, asking us to book our energies in the impending revolution begins course! with the agrarian revolt called with wrong script, the heterogeneous clutter Liaison Bureau (landowners in deed and in power).

Por eso las chicas (bastante poco agraciadas) y los chicos (ya grandecitos) de todas las otras siglas de izquierda escriben esos panfletos ilegibles; en el fondo ya saben que sus porcentajes de votos no serían mayores si estuvieran en un concurso para elegir la “joven estrella pop”.

Por eso todos votamos sin entusiasmo.

Por eso los medios hacen esas coberturas especiales que nos mantienen pegados a la pantalla para ver si el menos malo le ganó al peor o si el más presentable se impuso sobre el que carga con una historia mucho más known ...

why the celebrations ephemeral and empty speeches full of platitudes.

So lethargic and negligent policy.

All is not lost, say what they want some good friends who I blame inveterate optimism, because all this because the slowness, hesitation y tortuosidad de nuestra democracia, no son sino la visión que tenemos nosotros; prisioneros de lo episódico, de un fenómeno que tiene que ver con esa larga duración que mentaba Braudel. Avanza la cosa, avanza lenta y en espiral, pero lo hace. No es, nunca lo fue, asunto de los gobiernos o de las masas esclarecidas, no tiene que ver con discursos correctos o proclamas insurreccionales, es una revolución mucho más permanente y silenciosa, más agazapada y esquiva, difícil de captar en tonos épicos, escondida en las cotidianas trincheras de la acción concreta y del pensamiento.

Miro a Honduras, no sé que pasará, but notes some data that used to appear on similar scripts of old, international isolation of the conspirators, mass media, the mainstream media to condemn forced, reluctantly, violence against the popular mandate, alternative underground resistance that are spread unthinkable and less permeable network state control ... maybe not much, it may not reach, but to me, what do you want me to say? fills me with hope.

imagine a not so distant future we agree that the vote necessary, essential, is not enough if there is no veto in the hands of the people. I guess tomorrow, "distant", where power is more widely distributed and, above all, it is becoming out of the head of the good people, I hope to live to see a non-statist socialism, which may not be called socialism, but put in the hands of all the control of the economy. We go there, I see when I search the perspective of history, we go there, I know when I discover that, little by little, are jumping mental springs of power. Come on, not because it's written, but because I trust in humans.

They say what does not kill you makes you stronger, if you get sick after influenza A does not get it again.

say that a force provides immunity to suffer and that by naming the fears lose their power ... those who have suffered too suffer the twentieth century, and many still suffer injustice of an inhumane and irrational, but that we are being immunized.

Soon we will no longer believe in the Messiah and the old advice that spoke of heroes and liberators and then dare us to take over the factories, to act together, to think the unthinkable and to build the impossible.

Later or sooner we will remove the chinstrap individualistic and alcohol narcotic reject the mass media, sooner or later, not I know, but I hope, poverty, injustice, superstition and oppression, and will long be immunized against them. Will be a sad memory ... Like when you pass the flu virus.