Sunday, March 28, 2010

32 Weeks Pregnant Not Constipated

listen to music.
Alternate between Huey Lewis (if you remember what you are revealing your age) and Mozart; eclectic the kid!

write, navego por la Wikipedia (cinco horas ayer editando un artículo), me doy una vuelta por el Caralibro (¡me encantó la traducción!) y disfruto de la vida en este domingo soleado.

Después del almuerzo corrijo las tareas de vacaciones y me dejo llevar por la placidez de estar en mi casa, junto a la mujer que amo, pensando que la vida, la verdadera vida , es esto que me pasa. El momento, el instante en que lo Eterno se funde con lo Transitorio y uno puede sentirse casi un dios...

Y con lo dicho basta!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Converting Bath To Shower Ideas

I accept the challenge, En Garde!

En otros tiempos  cualquier aspirante a ser considerado l'Enfant terrible , tenía a gala ser de izquierda. Puede que no comulgase con tal o cual ortodoxia marxista, pero defendía los valores de justicia y libertad que eran propios de una forma de pensamiento que, todavía, seguimos llamando progresismo. Las causas más nobles; los derechos del trabajador, de las mujeres, de los oprimidos en todo el mundo, hallaban en él su abogado y su embajador. Por sentido ético, mucha veces, por vanidad en ocasiones, por esa condición provocadora que debe tener todo intellectual.

In many respects the ideas advocated were triumphant, if not in society, certainly in the consciousness. If our time have something good, they have it, it is also thanks to the thinkers of the left dissatisfied, troublemakers, uncomfortable. Today in curricula and bills are some of those ideas that in other times, appeared to be extreme, civil rights, egalitarianism, the primacy of the collective interest, criticism ... and many more that are irritating to those looking for a traditional world ordered.

Today there is a new type of intellectual.
Some of them can be ignored as a mere sycophant, propagandist reactionary positions, and in the 50's of last century, had been considered obsolete.
However there is another type of thinker. Unusual scholar, lucid, precise and with the ability to think beyond prejudice, is a character who deserves our attention.

is the new organic intellectual of the liberal right (or even extreme) and, as it should be, poses any serious reflection can be ignored.

want to bother, and succeeds, comfortably installed consciences. It aims to create, and blogs in which prefers to publish demonstrate their success, new ways of thinking, challenging, defiant.

contempt and not usually listen carefully to their arguments. Responds, obviously, the interests of large power and arguing in a speech anti-political and sometimes anti system that can be misleading at first sight. Is the enemy, and try not to hide it, of organized labor, but gets along well with the individual worker; your best ally. His slogan, bold, before the crisis is, dare we, the solution is not less capitalism, not more. Defend democracy, he says, but prefers Republic, a republic of equal but where some are better than others.

worst thing you can do about this type of thinker is ignored. Nor is it necessary to refute it. Raise questions that require intelligent and thoughtful responses. Speech is not enough to barricade or mantras Orthodox, on the contrary, it reinforces the power of the conservative intellectual discourse. One has to assume those of their criticisms are valid, and we are surprised to see how some overlap with the tradition of the left. You have to use smart methods and approach the twenty-first century public multiverse in language stripped of conventions and clichés of the past.

have to beat them at their own game, raising his sword, and attack wave background ...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hernia Girdles For Women Perth

Detachment as a political exercise MUJICA PEPE

Do the following exercise. Clear your mind

As all know, or think you know, about the recent history of Argentina. Forget
in a voluntary gesture, preferences and family traditions, speeches received and accepted and the fact crucial, if Argentina or Argentina. Enclose
everything that you personally involved with this South American country and walk, see, hear, read, familiar streets feel like you're a tourist. Leave
safe from your intelligence failure: this is very important.
Did you?

Well, now opens the pages of a newspaper (any, remember that you have no pre-judgments about them) and reading. Lee with all your insight but, attention, without getting involved, you are a abroad who are interested in knowing the reality of that exotic country called Argentina.
With the same distance turns on the radio, or television, surfing the local internet pages, peek out the door.
Walk, also the city that has become employed by an act of your will.
Listen to taxi drivers (if it exists, our collective unconscious lies in them), the girl from the bakery, the Kiosquero to each other (public and priovado) young university, the militants and the indifferent in this , to him, the more there ...
visit your relatives, ignoring your decision buscarán que seas cómplice de sus apreciaciones sobre lo mal o bien que van las cosas ahora que tal o cual está en el gobierno.

Cuando hayas terminado tu experiencia.
Cuando regreses a tu identidad real.
Cuando vuelvas a ser el argentino quejoso, solidario y ligeramente cínico, o la argentina avispada y un poco paranoica que eras, que somos.
Cuando, en fin, regreses de tu viaje mental, quizás puedas descubrir, con asombro, más de un par de cosas que no sabías sobre tu propio país.
Verás que no todo es tan tremendo como algunos lo pintan, ni tan maravilloso como otros quieren demonstrate.
will see that there is much good and too bad about this soil, as in all other soils in the world. You will see that screams
more than desirable, to engage in senseless battles with its own logic of kids. That
bad, here or there, also may have good ideas. That
good, ours or others, they are often wrong more than we like to admit.
That ...

not worth pursuing. If you made the experience what you've discovered for yourself and your conclusions, not necessarily identical to mine and perhaps opposite, will be infinitely more sensible, more valuable especially because you have achieved through this simple technique of detachment, overcome endemic.
You could, for a while, get out of the factional logic that drowns us in Argentina. Such, fellow, the first step for us to be a republic.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Denise Milani University Of Washington



In the meeting with the intellectuals, on Wednesday, April 29 at the Legislative Palace.

Dear Friends

Life has been extremely generous to me.

has given me endless satisfaction beyond so I never have dared to dream.

Almost all are undeserved. But none more than today: finding now here in the heart of Uruguayan democracy, surrounded by hundreds of talking heads. Cabezas

thinking! A left and right.

thinkers to spray and pray, pa thinkers 'pull pa' above.

Rico Remember the Mac Pato, that millionaire guy Donald Duck swimming in a pool full of money?

The guy had developed a natural sensuality about money.

I like to think as someone who likes to take baths in swimming pools filled with alien intelligence, alien culture, wisdom of others.

The more alien the better.

The less coincides with my little knowledge, the better. SEARCH

The weekly has a beautiful phrase used as a logo:

"What I say do not say as a man knowing, but looking along with you."

For once we agree.

If we agree!

As I say, do not say as Sabiondo farmer or as payador read, I mean looking with you.

I mean, like, because only the ignorant believe that truth is definitive and solid, when he is provisional and gelatinous. Is to be found hiding because he's running en escondite. Y pobre del que emprenda en soledad esta cacería.

Hay que hacerlo con ustedes, con los que han hecho del trabajo intelectual la razón de su vida. Con los que están aquí y con los muchos más que no están.


Si miran para el costado van a encontrar seguramente algunas caras conocidas porque se trata de gente que se desempeña en espacios de trabajo afines. Pero van a encontrar mucho más caras que les son desconocidas, porque la regla de esta convocatoria ha sido la heterogeneidad.

Aquí están los que se dedican a trabajar con átomos y moléculas y los que se dedican a estudiar las reglas de la producción y el intercambio en la sociedad.

Hay gente de las ciencias básicas y de su casi antípoda, las ciencias sociales; gente de la biología y del teatro, y de la música, de la educación, del derecho y del carnaval.

Y en tren de que no falte nada, hay gente de la economía, de la macroeconomía, de la microeconomía, de la economía comparada y hasta alguno de la economía doméstica.

Todas cabezas pensantes, pero que piensan en distintas cosas y pueden contribuir desde sus distintas disciplinas a mejorar este país.

Y mejorar este país significa muchas cosas, pero desde los acentos que queremos para esta jornada, mejorar el país significa empujar los complejos procesos to multiply by thousands the intellectual power here this meeting.

improve the country, means that in twenty years, for an event like this does not reach the Estadio Centenario, because you leave Uruguay engineers, philosophers and artists to the ears.

Not that we want a country that beat the world records for the sheer pleasure of it.

is because it is shown that, once the intellect is a degree of concentration in a society, it becomes contagious. DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE

If one day fill stadiums of people trained will be because outside, in society, there are hundreds of thousands of Uruguayans have grown su capacidad de pensar.

La inteligencia que le rinde a un país es la inteligencia distribuida.

Es la que no está sólo guardada en los laboratorios o las universidades, sino la que anda por la calle.

La inteligencia que se usa para sembrar, para tornear, para manejar un autoelevador o para programar una computadora.

Para cocinar, para atender bien a un turista, es la misma inteligencia.

Unos subirán más escalones que otros, pero es la misma escalera.

Y los peldaños de abajo son los mismos para la física nuclear que para el manejo de un campo. Para todo se precisa la misma mirada curiosa, hambrienta de conocimiento y muy inconformista.

knowing is completed, because before we knew to be embarrassed by not knowing.

learn because we have itching and that is acquired by cultural transmission, about when we open our eyes to the world.

dream of a country in which the parents show their children grass and you guys say, "You know what that is?, Is a processing plant of the sun's energy and minerals from the earth."

Or show them the night sky and make little foot in that show to make them think of the heavenly bodies, the speed of light and transmission of waves.

And do not worry, guys like these Uruguayans will continue playing football. Only in one of these, while chopping the ball come to think both the elasticity of the materials that make it bounce. Ability to interrogate

had a saying: "Do not give fish to a child, teach him to fish." Today

should say: "Do not give a figure to the child, teach him to think."

As we go, the knowledge repositories are not going to be more in our heads, but out there, available to search online.

There will be all the information, all data, everything is already known. In other words, they will be all the answers. What is not is going to be all the questions.

The capacity to question will be the thing. In the fertile ability to ask questions, which trigger new research efforts and learning.

And that is down there, marking almost to the bone of your head, so deep that we have almost no consciousness. Just learn to see the world with a question mark, and that becomes the natural way of seeing the world.

is acquired early and with us forever. And above all, dear friends, is contagious.

At all times, have been you who are engaged in intellectual activity, those responsible for scattering the seed.

Or to put it palabras que nos son muy queridas: ustedes han sido los encargados de encender la admirable alarma.

Por favor, vayan y contagien. ¡No perdonen a nadie!

Necesitamos un tipo de cultura que se propague en el aire, entre en los hogares, se cuele en las cocinas y esté hasta en el cuarto de baño.

Cuando se consigue eso, se ganó el partido casi para siempre. Porque se quiebra la ignorancia esencial que hace débiles a muchos, una generación tras otra.


Necesitamos masificar la inteligencia, primero que nada para hacernos productores más potentes. Y eso es casi una cuestión de supervivencia.

Pero en esta vida, no se trata sólo de producir: también hay que disfrutar. Ustedes saben mejor que nadie que en el conocimiento y la cultura no sólo hay esfuerzo sino también placer.

Dicen que la gente que trota por la rambla, llega un punto en el que entra en una especie de éxtasis donde ya no existe el cansancio y sólo queda el placer.

Creo que con el conocimiento y la cultura pasa lo mismo. Llega un punto donde estudiar, o investigar, o aprender, ya no es un esfuerzo y es puro disfrute.

¡Qué bueno sería que estos manjares estuvieran a disposición de mucha gente!

Qué bueno sería, si en la canasta de la calidad de la vida que el Uruguay puede ofrecer a su gente, hubiera a lot of intellectual consumption. Not because it's fashionable but because it is pleasurable. Because

enjoy, with the same intensity with which you can enjoy a bowl of noodles.

There is no mandatory list of things that make us happy!

Some may think that the ideal world is a place full of shopping centers. In this world people are happy because everyone can leave bags full of new clothing and appliance boxes

... I have nothing against that vision, just say it's not the only possible.

say that we can also think of a country where people choose to fix things rather than throw them out, choose a small car instead a big car, choosing instead to wrap up the heat.

waste is not what they do more mature companies. Go to Holland and see the city full of bicycles. There is going to realize that consumerism is not the choice of the true aristocracy of humanity. It is the choice of novelero and frivolous. The Dutch ride bikes, use them to go to work but also to go to concerts or parks.

Because they have reached a level where their happiness is fed daily consumption of both material and intellectual.

So my friends, go and spreading the joy of knowledge. In parallel, my modest contribution will be trying to walk the bike Uruguayan cycling ... MAVERICK

Les asked before catching the curious eyes of the world, which is in the DNA of intellectual work. And now I enlarge the order and I ask you catching nonconformity.

I am convinced that this country needs a new epidemic of discontent as the intellectuals generated decades ago.

In Uruguay, we are in the political arena on the left are sons or nephews of that weekly march of the great Carlos Quijano. That generation of intellectuals had set itself the task of critical consciousness of the nation. They walked with pins clicking on the hand and deflating balloons myths.

Especially the myth of multichampion Uruguay. Champion of culture, education, social development and democracy. What we would be champions of anything!

and least in those years, the decades of the fifties and sixties, where the only record that we managed to win was that of the Latin American country that grew at least twenty years. We just beat Haiti in the ranking.

These intellectuals helped to demolish one of the Nap Uruguay conformist. For all its faults, we prefer this stage where we are more humble and located in real stature that we have in the world.

But we need to get my dissatisfaction and try to stick it under the skin the entire Uruguay. Before

told that the intelligence that serves a country is distributed intelligence.

now say that the disagreement that serves a country is distributed nonconformity. Which has invaded everyday life and leads us to wonder if what I'm doing can not do better.

The disagreement is in the nature of the work you do. Is needed to make us all second nature ..

A culture of dissent is what keeps us stop to get more kilos per hectare of wheat or more liters per dairy cow.

Everything, absolutely everything, you can do a little better than yesterday.

From making a bed in a hotel in an integrated circuit array.

need an epidemic of nonconformity. And that is also cultural, it also radiates from the intellectual center of society to its periphery. It's the inconsistency that has earned the respect to small companies and what they do. There

walk the Swiss, four crazy cats like us, who have the luxury to go around selling quality Swiss or Swiss precision. I would say that what we really sell is Swiss intelligence and nonconformity, that they have spread all over society.


And friends, the bridge between this today and that tomorrow we want has a name and is called education. And look who is a long and difficult bridge to cross.

Because one thing is the rhetoric of education and another thing is that we decide to make the sacrifices involved to launch a major educational effort and sustain it over time.

Investments in education are slow performance, do not look to any government move to delay resistance and force other demands.

But you have to do it.

We owe it to our children and grandchildren.

must happen now, when still fresh miracle of Internet technology and open up unprecedented opportunities access to knowledge. I was raised on the radio, saw the birth of the television, then television in color, then the satellite transmissions.

later turned out on my TV appeared forty channels, including those who were transmitting live from the U.S., Spain and Italy.

Then the cell and then the computer, which initially served only to process numbers. Each one of those times, I stayed with my mouth open.
But now I ran out of capacity to surprise. I feel like those humans who saw a wheel for the first time. Or as those who saw the fire first. One

feels he was fortunate to live a milestone in history.

are opening the doors of all libraries and all museums will be available to all journals and all the books in the world.

And probably all movies and music from all over the world. It's overwhelming. So we need all Uruguayans, and especially the swimmers uruguayita in that stream.

have to get to the stream and surf on it like a duck to water. Succeed if this is strong intellectual matrix of which we spoke earlier.

Chiquilines know if our reasoning in order and know the questions to be worthwhile. It's like a run in two tracks, up there in the world's ocean of information, down here preparing for transatlantic shipping.

full-time schools, colleges in the interior, overcrowded tertiary education.

And probably English since kindergarten in public education.

Because English is the language spoken by the Yankees, is the language that the Chinese understand the world.

can not be outside. We can not leave out our Chiquilines. These are the tools that enable us to interact with the universal explosion of knowledge.

This new world we do not simplify life, to us complicated. It forces us to go further and deeper into education. There is no greater task before us.

The ideal

STATE SERVICE Dear friends, we are at election time. Blessed and cursed at election time. Cursed, because we get to fight and run races with us. Blessed, because they allow us civilized coexistence.

And again blessed, because with all its imperfections, make us masters of our fate. Here we all learned that the worst democracy is preferable to the best dictatorship.

In election time, we all organized in groups, factions and parties, we are surrounded by technicians and professionals, and paraded in front of the sovereign. Hay adrenalina y entusiasmo.

Pero después, alguien gana y alguien pierde. Y eso no debería ser un drama. Con unos o con otros, la democracia uruguaya seguirá su camino e irá encontrando las fórmulas hacia el bienestar.

Nos toque el lugar que nos toque, allí vamos a estar tratando de poner el hombro. Y estoy seguro de que ustedes también.

La sociedad, el Estado y el Gobierno precisan de sus muchos talentos. Y precisan aún más de su actitud idealista.

Los que estamos aquí, nos acercamos a la política para servir, NO para servirnos del Estado. La buena fe es nuestra única intransigencia. Casi todo lo demás es negociable.

Gracias por with me.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pinks And Green Necktie

Cuentos de la última frontera


By Juan Carlos Céspedes

When the moon does not fit into the city and the clock strikes twenty-five, Coca Cola invites its adherents to be happy with their recipe perched on top of the last frontier constructed. The cars are painted eyes and eyelash vomiting obsolete, discovered forty years ago by Alice Cooper. Sale thin and lanky in a coffin with a boa tired of the same routine that any day is eaten whole, while a dirty bra falls right in the face at the moment to grab a microphone and walk with their military boots Sergeant dead, they fled with which Mussolini before he was hanged with her lover, and cigarette-ignited ultra punk the last success. Hamlet is a silly question between being ecstatic or whiskey, and beer free of racism, which Black also know how to use the mouth painted brown or red, or Carolina Herrera perfume. Money is no problem easy-to-be parents and send those fucking useless that keep quiet, or view programs of sudden death, or pressure the shares of the stock market a shot in the head. Coca Cola tastes and people take a sip. Alice Cooper gets the box office, the boa and dirty bra for personal museum. When the streets are empty all destinations are crossed by a shot that was heard in the morning. FIN