Sunday, September 20, 2009

How Much To Topsy Turvy Cakes Cost

humanity Liberation Act

One of my favorite poems ...

The loathsome mask has fallen, the man Remains
Sceptreless, free, uncircumscribed, pero man,
Equal, unclassed, tribeless and nationless,
Exempt from awe, worship, degree, the King
Over Himself, just, gentle, wise ...

Shelley Prometheus Unbound 3, 4

A own translation, just to make sense:

hateful mask has fallen, the man remains
Without scepters, free, unattached, single man,
Still, no classes, no tribes or nations, free from fear
, cult, of hierarchies, King
of himself just, tender, wise ...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How Old Does Someone Have To Beto Retire

Audiovisual Communication Services, yes, I agree! Progress Report I

The first step has been taken ... are many more to walk.

Broadcasting Act, promoted by the government at the time of his political agenda, but was preceded by extensive debate, today none of the media (companies) has received massive initial approval in Parliament.

a triumph?

depends how you look.

purists left, always nostalgic for the old myths, we draw attention to the shortcomings of the government of Kirchner (Mr. and Mrs.) and entertain in telling us that nothing will change until, under his guidance, will be carried forward the Revolution. We can put them aside, you should not wake sleepwalkers, makes them bad ...

companies that have made business communication apocalyptic warn us of the dictatorship that the Kirchner government (funny how in his speech evoked the most Gorilla traditions furious years 50) imposed on the citizens that we can not choose between Tinelli and CQC, which supports the songs that political power prefer (I care little, largely share the musical tastes and Cabinet K. .. perhaps even get lucky and be prohibited from Arjona), which, from the inside, we will disappear glories of the free press as 12 to 14 or The Capital (note local color but understandable to some substitution of terms) and, referens horresco no longer be heard over the sweet good day Dr. Novaresi ... When the fox is cornered always invokes the law, did not hesitate to violate a thousand times. The

opposition recycled grout, mystics and gas-filled balloons, tears his garments ... easy, it already had them prepared for the occasion, as is said of the Sanhedrin.

government happy by their strategy, held in advance. Again have taken a just cause, a claim of the most lucid of society, and used for their benefit, which for some are government and state power are back. That for something, too, are clearly Peronist.

We who are neither K nor anti K (closer to the latter than the former because many things we do not like this government) we are also happy about the approval half, of this standard.

The law that governed us, concocted by the dictatorship, was clumsy and outdated. The anger of Clarin, Daniel Vila or its lackeys, is always a joy. To remove them, that promotes the shared use of frequencies, to open the game media is more positive and desirable, any rhetoric can hide that, no "mental reservation" that we have toward those who have state power, no clear awareness of the economic and political interests that lie behind the policy of the K, may distort the fact that the approval (partial) of the media law is a substantial advance in the construction of a democratic society.

This has been clearly seen deputies, acting as Lozano or elected as Pino Solanas, who critically supported the penalty. Consistent with a democratic position, consistent with true freedom of expression and observant enough to understand how they should give the battles against hegemony had made clear what the focus of the debate and argued, after the annulment of one of the most controversial aspects of the new law (the "privilege" of the phone), the new legal framework for communications in Argentina.

The company is partly convinced by the discourse of multimedia; yesterday I noticed it when one person (very smart but prejudices gorillas) questioned the affirmative vote of a Socialist deputy, not realizing that repeat the corporate media discourse cleverly disguised, and otherwise feel indifferent to an issue that transcends the everyday . However they are few voices who sense a truth which was so evident, is not usually notice: the worst law of democracy is preferable to the best (and this certainly was not) the dictatorship.

The law is, then almost passed, by a clever move (the kind that only the Peronist, noblesse oblige, they do) Cristina will travel when project concerned the Senate and, therefore, Cobos (gas balloon if any) may not use its familiar "no positive" ... cover is lost be poor!

is now clear that a law does not destroy the power of these media giants and is needed, urgently, would like us to think for ourselves without being drawn into the speeches of power ... political but also and above all economic.

You can read more at:
Radios Born in Democracy

Moe Bar Nexus Agency (Lanata on the law ... and that I do not like too! )
Alejandro Apo

Or you can stay with the speech ... E pluribus unum

PS For another time we will discuss the possible political ... which this debate is an interesting example.