Monday, October 19, 2009

Job Application On Line For Hovensast Croix Vi

Middle School 3 and last 2

The same day I wrote the previous post, last Thursday, I had to teach classes (so to speak) in a middle school. Weekly is a replacement but after thinking the matter, I lived in a different way.

The school in which replacement is certainly the most "difficult" in the city, but can serve as an example of the decline of the secondary.

The word that best describes it is anomie, boys and girls who wander around the room or at least slip, in the corridors, phones ringing with something like music (Despite being officially banned), students who are lean, provocative, their partners (or partners in a mixture of play and teenage lust), students who do not want to comply with the slightest hint, now looking for the conflict, now the complicity, regulatory (founded or absurd) that likewise are not met, teachers who do their best and achieve or transmit, rarely build, some knowledge, a teacher who is very good person but do not know their role, as the vice principal, and tired and frankly expulsive ... And as background noise ministerial directions that sound distant, unreal, impossible.
As impossible as it may sound my own suggestions. Talking high school? Now?

said that one of the key elements of any secondary school you want to project is the curriculum, the content being taught. The other is the law.

Adolescence is a glorious moment of rebellion, is a privileged time to call into question everything that we have accepted as natural, to break the rules or to violate the law, however, how transgression when the transgression is socially accepted? Before what rebel if that works as "guardians" are also rebels? How to break a rule and has been violated?
Repression is a great creator of culture, they say, what happens when repression is obliterated? What if anything goes and nothing is forbidden?

true that we do not need no education ... we do not need no Thought Control ...

then disappears any kind of civilization, for the human condition is based on education, transmission and collective construction of knowledge and control, first external, then internal, chaotic flow of our thoughts. The rule is inseparable from humanity, or más bien, l a Norma es inseparable de la Humanidad .

Esto no implica abogar por un orden represivo, ni suscribir ideologías negadoras de la la libertad, por el contrario; se trata de posibilitar una ética autónoma pero fundada en la racionalidad y en el desarrollo progresivo de la conciencia.E ntenderlo todo no implica justificarlo todo y la Ley es fundamental para la existencia de cualquier comunidad de personas.

El mejor ejemplo que se me ocurre es el de las drogas, en especial las enteógenas. Toda cultura tiene incorporado el consumo de drogas, se hace en conexión con rituales específicos y en tiempos también determinados por la tradición, marcan moments in community life and individual, are controlled and shared by a collective social and cultural, thus losing the most harmful and enhance their properties, so to speak, cultural. However, when the drug becomes an object of consumption and is taken out of every ritual, just as a hobby, it loses all sense of liberation and becomes a trap, mortal, for consciousness ... and consumers themselves. The same applies to religious rituals of football at any time or from any use intemperate, out of context.

is the case with the rebellion, we have become accustomed to it and away from the routine to become creative role on a whim without limits. Decentered and anomic society, supporter of liberal anarchism (libertarian anarchism as far as it is Murray Newton Rothbard of Mikhail Bakunin ) is (are) unable to build, much less to educate.

The legislation is central to the Middle School. Standards based, yes, and a free acceptance abide involved and eventually accomplish what it imposes. Legislation is the guarantee of freedom (remember that democracy, historically, appears when the law ceases to be the will of the ruler, or God, which results in an agreement by the community) and mutual respect. Legislation provides for real sanctions leading to the development of personality. Legislation, in short, fallible and capable of perfection, against whom it is possible revolt ...

imagine a school where laws are clear and accepted by both teachers as parents and also by students. Rational laws that imply respect for differences, non-discrimination and the obligation to comply.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Consumer Reports Dishwashers 2009

I commented yesterday about the change of society we are living in this first decade of the century. I stopped in the values \u200b\u200bof youth que han nacido con el final del siglo (más allá de cuestiones cronológicas el siglo XX termina en 1990 así como empieza en 1914) y trataba de encontrar un camino para pensar una escuela media que esté acorde con los tiempos en que vivimos.

Todas las sociedades han tenido ritos de pasaje que marcan etapas vitales, la nuestra también, y el lugar por excelencia de ese rito es la Secundaria.

Es un ámbito para los adolescentes, el lugar donde construyen su propia identidad, donde incorporan muchos de los valores que guiarán el resto de su vida, el sitio privilegiado para los amores, los odios, los proyectos del futuro...

Between thirteen and eighteen, perhaps twenty, high school is or should be, the central reference point for the boys.
The task of this school includes the socialization of their students, meaning that it has to provide elements that allow them to build their own identity, democracy and critical citizenship in a word, in relation to their peers and their social environment. Core elements of this mission are the curriculum and regulations.

The first basic orientation would open the vast opportunities, the provision of multiple elements that allow the student to respond quickly to a changing world no se trata de enciclopedismo a la vieja usanza, pero sí del aprovechamiento de nuestra herencia cultural que, en los tiempos que corren, tiende a ser la de la Humanidad.

No basta, sin embargo, con un currículo amplio, deberá complementarse con orientaciones específicas que introduzcan al alumno en el mundo del trabajo (no del empleo) en un sentido creativo e integrador.

Pienso en escuelas donde se dicten materias de carácter cultural (Historia y Geografía, por ejemplo) junto a saberes básicos (Lengua, orientada hacia y desde la Literatura y Matemática) a la vez que exista un activo departamento de Tecnología, con una importante workload, which is taught to work in various production areas (carpentry, metalwork, electronics ...) that would be rotating during the first three years with specific guidance in the last two or three. Depending on the needs of the population of these areas "practices" increase their presence in school (a bit like the old schools of Arts and Crafts) without ever leaving aside the training "humanistic" and "basic" but determining the "style" the institution.

should not be overlooked in all schools the chance to become a meeting point and reference for adolescents. Art workshops, theater, writing, robotics, language ... are important components that do not belong in school. Not to mention physical education, on which there was much to say ...

These schools should be reduced in size, with a student population not exceeding five hundred, six hundred at most, students and courses voluntarily reduced to fifteen or twenty students each. Of course this requires more secondary schools to create many of which exist and, above all, be used exclusively for that level of education.

Teachers, who imagine linked strongly to the institution, be organized in specific departments, Humanities, Basic Training, Technology, etc. and plan together the objectives and content of the year, with a strong, very strong monitoring by management.

In this school model would be essential to the role of Preceptor and Professor Tutor because they bear the responsibility for carrying out the facts, the legislation that allows the operation of the institution and specificity as a community education ...

But we will discuss in another post ...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cheatspokemon Esmeralda

Middle School Middle School?

I was tempted, I confess, to do some awkward pun on the title of the post: something like middle school or high school, school of second ... but I did (not so much as seen by this paragraph) because the issue is not given for silly little jokes ...

My time in the Secondary can not avoid referring to those dark years of dictatorship, fundamentalism and suspicion. Times when the director warned parents about allegations the army if we talked more, we reviewed the preceptor neck to check the length of hair, we celebrated the genocide of the Mapuche or went to church (it was a public school ) to celebrate an anniversary. Days of repression and ignorance.

Middle School as a teacher I've ever seen, with origins and roots in Primary, or I perceive as a parent of a teenager is very different. More open, freer, less demanding, permissive might say, if it meant something.

Hey! Teachers! Leave Them Kids Alone! I listen while I write. Been a few, many, years since The Wall, centuries have passed, it seems, from the claims of Ivan Illich and the current anti school when utopia was within reach.

The middle school has the difficult duty to work with girls and boys in the never easy transition to adult life, I mean bad, girls and boys begin to live by themselves, too inexperienced to develop his own ethics, with its own quirks and obsessions of the wonderful (or terrible, is the same) age of excesses, with ideal diffuse or strongly monotone, confident that the future belongs to them, are immortal and no one understands (and the hardest thing for us is they are right). What a mission to the beleaguered high school!

In this chaos of adolescence itself, chaos, and all can create a world or destroy it in the same easy operation, "he adds, is charged, the weight of the reforms that deluded, enlightened, shams and / or ignorant have made us the indifference of much of society. Too many reforms that destroyed a system never quite made. If the primary better or for worse, could survive (the credit is shared by teachers and the good old Act 1420) the secondary was lost completely in the experiments of the past two decades. Rebuild not be easy or good will work. First

Our society is very different from that in which we form. Cutting, splitting, should be placed in the early 90's. This decade marks the true end of the twentieth century, with lights and shadows, with a disillusionment that is not necessarily always negative, with possibilities that are just beginning (twenty years) to discern, with new ways of being and relating with loss of knowledge that seemed obvious, with the sinking of values \u200b\u200bthat everyone took for granted. The Wall, I'm still listening, speaking of school reality that no longer exists and the line should read most of the use educational tests. It is as if one were to continue to speak Latin, the day after the fall of Rome ...

This is not, of course, the place to point out the most important aspects of society in the XXI century, also fragmented society that cuts across class and borders in a way that we find it shocking for NYCS up in the last century. However, I dare say that we have inventory in youth ninety post relevant footnotes: a genuinely concern for equality, a healthy distrust of closed systems, and totes and a more realistic and at times hopeless about the world around them. Uncertainty, inertia, lack focus on a problem, a taste for easy solutions and a hint of orphans are perhaps the obverse of the coin. Quick look at a far more colorful but serves as a picture, so, as the crow flies.

In this reality, just, again, as outlined. In this changing world, full of technology (with its attendant fears and hopes), manipulated and skeptical at the same time. In this suburb of the world (as it says Carlitos del Frade) village of hoodlums, packs and maul in version 2.0 ... What place has, if anything, high school?

As Momigliano said: non è facile concludere ... but we will try in the next post.