Thursday, October 15, 2009

Consumer Reports Dishwashers 2009

I commented yesterday about the change of society we are living in this first decade of the century. I stopped in the values \u200b\u200bof youth que han nacido con el final del siglo (más allá de cuestiones cronológicas el siglo XX termina en 1990 así como empieza en 1914) y trataba de encontrar un camino para pensar una escuela media que esté acorde con los tiempos en que vivimos.

Todas las sociedades han tenido ritos de pasaje que marcan etapas vitales, la nuestra también, y el lugar por excelencia de ese rito es la Secundaria.

Es un ámbito para los adolescentes, el lugar donde construyen su propia identidad, donde incorporan muchos de los valores que guiarán el resto de su vida, el sitio privilegiado para los amores, los odios, los proyectos del futuro...

Between thirteen and eighteen, perhaps twenty, high school is or should be, the central reference point for the boys.
The task of this school includes the socialization of their students, meaning that it has to provide elements that allow them to build their own identity, democracy and critical citizenship in a word, in relation to their peers and their social environment. Core elements of this mission are the curriculum and regulations.

The first basic orientation would open the vast opportunities, the provision of multiple elements that allow the student to respond quickly to a changing world no se trata de enciclopedismo a la vieja usanza, pero sí del aprovechamiento de nuestra herencia cultural que, en los tiempos que corren, tiende a ser la de la Humanidad.

No basta, sin embargo, con un currículo amplio, deberá complementarse con orientaciones específicas que introduzcan al alumno en el mundo del trabajo (no del empleo) en un sentido creativo e integrador.

Pienso en escuelas donde se dicten materias de carácter cultural (Historia y Geografía, por ejemplo) junto a saberes básicos (Lengua, orientada hacia y desde la Literatura y Matemática) a la vez que exista un activo departamento de Tecnología, con una importante workload, which is taught to work in various production areas (carpentry, metalwork, electronics ...) that would be rotating during the first three years with specific guidance in the last two or three. Depending on the needs of the population of these areas "practices" increase their presence in school (a bit like the old schools of Arts and Crafts) without ever leaving aside the training "humanistic" and "basic" but determining the "style" the institution.

should not be overlooked in all schools the chance to become a meeting point and reference for adolescents. Art workshops, theater, writing, robotics, language ... are important components that do not belong in school. Not to mention physical education, on which there was much to say ...

These schools should be reduced in size, with a student population not exceeding five hundred, six hundred at most, students and courses voluntarily reduced to fifteen or twenty students each. Of course this requires more secondary schools to create many of which exist and, above all, be used exclusively for that level of education.

Teachers, who imagine linked strongly to the institution, be organized in specific departments, Humanities, Basic Training, Technology, etc. and plan together the objectives and content of the year, with a strong, very strong monitoring by management.

In this school model would be essential to the role of Preceptor and Professor Tutor because they bear the responsibility for carrying out the facts, the legislation that allows the operation of the institution and specificity as a community education ...

But we will discuss in another post ...


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