Friday, April 16, 2010

Cubefield For Blackberry The Game


Last week Mario Bunge was in Argentina. With his usual nonchalance expanded on his favorite topics, contesting, as usual, what he called pseudoscience. Attacked, especially psychoanalysis, which qualifies as "mace" and dropped a few ironies of his life in a country like ours.
Bunge and psychoanalysis, of course, are just an excuse.
a pretext to talk about those who, like him, have dared to speak out against certain unanimity.
In the crowd of magicians, occultists, and dishonest charlatans who walk this world of ours selling their false mysteries, many have reacted strongly to say a moment!, What evidence do you have for say such extraordinary things
Or, more directly, beat it stops, che!
These people, brave and tenacious challenge convention and everyone who believes in its mission, are known to be skeptical.
A skeptic is a doubter.
is not a denier systematic nor a pessimist, let alone someone narrow-minded.
is a man or a woman who believes that the reason should be a guide to investigate mundo.
Es un curioso que no se convence fácilmente.
Un inspector de ideas, si así lo prefieren.
Se ha dicho que el padre de la ciencia es el asombro, y es verdad, pero el asombro puede dar lugar a muy diversas conclusiones. La madre de la ciencia, única como toda madre, es la duda. Sin el asombro tendríamos una ciencia de lo obvio, de la banalidad, sin la duda tendríamos saberes vagabundos, incapaces de formar una trama coherente.
El escéptico recupera la tradición científica de dudar y hace bien. Suele, a shame, to forget the wonder and there is his limit.
As Mario, brave sower of doubts, but suspicious of the grass of the never before imagined.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Super Pro Rainbow Emulator

These days I re-read our history. Demands of teaching, but also a pleasure to recognize in this common past.

do not believe in extreme nationalism, much less biased stories that are in fashion where, under the pretext of hearing the "voice of the vanquished", they are isolated from other humanity, they are projected onto anachronistic ideal or acts and attitudes attributed to them that did not exist.

Our indigenous ancestors, who can ensure they do not have any? were not always heroes, did not have that kind of aura "green" that many attribute to them, but certainly more than we respected nature, even by magical fear, did not form a single cultural entity, not systematically opposed the invasion. Were women and men who lived, like us, a story that could not choose and in front of it, they positioned themselves, resisting, accommodating, avoiding or fighting ...

En el nacimiento de la Nación Argentina, una nación inexistente entonces, una nación creada, una nación que es multiétnica y plural, la presencia nativa fue permanente y, en muchos casos, fundamental.

Acostumbramos a pensar en el Virreinato del Río de la Plata como un gran mapa compuesto por los territorios de cuatro repúblicas actuales; Bolivia, entonces el Alto Perú, Paraguay, Uruguay y Argentina más algunas regiones del Brasil (Río Grande, Paraná) y Chile (Antofagasta).
But nothing could be further from reality, the viceroyalty was a land surrounded on the north and south, by extensive domains occupied by native peoples.

formal treaties existed, some dating back to the seventeenth century, which recognized indigenous peoples around territories under their exclusive domain.
The presence of indigenous people, both as free subject, was a constant during the colonial period.

"Indians" were entrusted to the Northwest from the beginning, as artisans and peasants exploited. Some of them lost their identity marks, others kept in the dark, many of the recovered in recent years.

The Guarani, enthusiastic partners of the fusion, were the population base of Paraguay and the labor that made possible the rise and heyday of the Jesuit Missions.

The comenchingones were common in cities of Cordoba and quartermaster and pehuenches huarpes in the Cuyo region.

The free north Abipones, Qom, wichí were the terror of the neighboring Santa Fe but also a familiar presence in the immensity of the Chaco.

The free south pampas Mapuche were frequent visitors to the new capital of the viceroyalty, the port city of Buenos Aires, where they were in 1806, offering his services against the British and 1810 where deposed Viceroy himself says, were at the Open Meeting on 22. The same 25 the lonkos Quintela Black, Epugner, Vitoriano Errepuento and signed, along with winka the petition calling for the resignation Cisneros final. Were as protagonists of the Revolution as Berutti, Castelli and Rodriguez Peña ...

In the War of Independence was a constant presence of native peoples from the patriot troops.

San Martín will almost certainly mestizo, his grenadiers required for the presence of Guaraní missions, descendants of those who faced the delivery of their ancestral lands to the Portuguese . To the Liberator los "indios" eran "nuestros paisanos"; un ejemplo para la lucha por la liberación sudamericana.

El ejército del Norte, aquel que sufrió las mayores privaciones en la dura campaña del Alto Perú, contaba en sus filas con guaraníes y collas.

No en vano nuestra Bandera ostenta al Inti del Tawantinsuyu, nuestro himno menciona a las tumbas del Inca y nos considera sus hijos . No sin motivo los dos primeros cañones de la Patria llevaron los nombres de Mangoré y Túpac Amaru.

No fue, tampoco, un detalle Belgrano picturesque proposal of a sovereign of the Inca race, the Congress of the United Provinces in South America (not the tiny and elusive that followed Argentina) had issued the Declaration of Independence both Castilian and qeshwa and Aymara.

empowers a descendant of Tupac Amaru and make Cusco the seat of government of the "new and glorious nation" had been, perhaps, the logical consummation of that policy Americanism.

Antes de ello, en la que fue nuestra primera declaración de Independencia; el Congreso de Arroyo de la China convocado por Artigas, también habían hecho acto de presencia los pueblos indígenas. Los guaraníes de Andresito lucharon con valor por una libertad y una justicia que, todavía, les está siendo negada a sus descendientes.

Los años que siguieron cambiaron muchas cosas. 
The divisions became more profound, civil war swept over the fields in the Viceroyalty dismembered and hopes that spring, when Creoles and Indians fought together in the same country, under the cold froze reasons of " civilized. " The indigenous, marginalized, locked himself in his own pockets contented with the looting and the return to the old ways. Neither one nor the other wanted, or could, learn from each other.

There was, however, sporadic ongoing exchanges and partnerships. Rosas fought and negotiated some friendships with others. Many gauchos, not just Fierro buscaron el amparo de la toldería así como parcialidades enteras se "asilaron" en territorios bajo el control del winka. Poco a poco, sin embargo, la incomprensión mutua hizo de las suyas; el gaucho exiliado no entendía las costumbres nativas, el "indio" asentado se resistía a los requerimientos del naciente Estado.
Así se llegó a la guerra.
Guerra civil, por muchos motivos, durante la cual el indígena sufrió la misma suerte del gaucho. Fue derrotado y terminó como un extranjero en su propia tierra. Recuerdo pintoresco de estampas populares, domesticado santito de la casas humildes, lectura obligatoria de primary book, memorizing names of the remote past.

Today indigenous peoples, which existed prior to the artificial divisions of the American homeland, stand up again. Not just complain, pretend to be sharers with their culture, their language, their traditions of a society that grew them back.
We also got up and recognize ourselves as brothers, as part of a multi-ethnic reality itself, as descendants of the same blood as heirs of 10,000 years of history of Argentina.

Las fotos que ilustran esta entrada fueron tomadas de la muestra
Huellas de Gaby Herbstein

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wine Making Lakeview Valley Farms

Te invito a reflexionar con mi cuento


The teacher comes and finds a young monk sitting , so it sounds his flute and asks,
─ What are you doing?
The disciple, opening his eyes, answered:
─ I meditate to be like Buddha.
─ Buddha can only be as Buddha ─ tells the teacher. ─
So how I can be who I am? ─ question puzzled the young.
The sensei replies,
─ You can be like you.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Xterra Front Bumper Parts

Affinities Indian country (more or less) electives. Identities

Soy donde no pienso , dice J. L en algún sitio.
Hay paisajes, lugares mentales, gustos espirituales, aromas del alma, que nos definen más allá de la conciencia, más acá del sentimiento.
Resultados de elecciones que no siempre fueron racionales, esos afectos personales nos habitan.
De ellos quiero hablar.

En estos días recuerdo, especialmente, mi predilección por el judaísmo. La cultura, la historia, la religión de ese pueblo (con el cual, que yo sepa al menos, no tengo vínculos genéticos) me fascinan. Visito con frecuencia sitios judíos en la Red, escucho su música, intento leer su lengua.
Es notable, o tal vez no lo sea tanto, esta predilección pues rechazo al sionismo y en especial, la existencia del Estado de Israel tal como fue establecido. Estoy convencido, sin embargo, de que Medinat Yisra'el es en muchos aspectos la negación de del judaísmo; todo cuanto de noble tiene esta cultura tres veces milenaria resulta traicionado por la existencia de ese estado que, en la práctica, defiende valores políticos casi fascistas.
Los feelings, of course, do not know of rationality, so the Hatikvah I moved and have not lost hope, atheist and goy, to participate once the Passover seder ...

My love for this people has its roots in adolescence.

Then was Christian and I tried to read the Bible in their original language. Studied, awkwardly, Hebrew grammar and lost no opportunity to get my hands on books written in the language of Moses, Isaiah, Amos. Longed for the "typical" Jewish friend until I played imaginatively with becoming a גיור.

still have the Hebrew dictionary I wrote then, the billet indigestible of a planned Jewish history and my notes Niphal grammatical with the stealth and matres pataj lectionis (not neo studying Hebrew, but Hebrew Bible, of course).

Years passed, I met beautiful people of this village, and were fond memories of them in my heart. Politically
defend the Palestinian cause and would, despite all the difficulties of the case that could establish a binational secular state in the region, but still excited me, to tears, with ירושלים של זהב ( Yerushalayim Shel Zahav ).

Inglaterra es otro de mis hogares espirituales.
En este caso tiene que ver con la literatura inglesa que pude leer, casi siempre en traducciones, con Sir Walter Scott y su mito del “Norman yoke”, con Robert Graves y su persuasiva prosa, con G. K. Chesterton y, en especial, con this jewel among englishmen ; J.R.T. Tolkien.

Ellos me hicieron conocer esa Merry England , que nunca existió, me llevaron de la mano por los páramos de las Middlans y los sombríos inviernos de Northumbria.

Luego llegaron Shakespeare, Milton, Blake and the charming Hobsbawm, whose English prose, but I am unable to judge which is full of that mixture of boldness and wisdom that is the key character of the islanders.

There, perhaps, lies my affection for the British people, its culture, its literature in particular, in the simple, compelling way of chaining reasoning.

The Anglo-Saxon common sense me "can be" a delight to both aesthetic and logical. The Germans are more accurate at the time of reason, heavy, detailed, leaving nothing to chance, the English, however, rely on the idea that slowly penetrate our system, distilled, dilute it if it fits the expression, and make it look as natural as falling leaves in autumn. And always, without exception, I find his words that note of humor is not without irony that says, hissing:

Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just Remember That the last laugh is on you.

I like, then the British.
I liked even more time, alone, fought the Nazis when they resisted the murderous bombs, when they marched to the Continent to defeat Sauron .

And that does not mean you should forget our history, linked to the British Empire for good and for ill.

And that does not recognize his cynicism prevents me when the rest of the world exploit to their advantage.

And that, finally, does not mean that I am not proud to remember those invasions failed Popham, not poke a smile as a good Irishman kicks them back or have not raved when one day in Mexico, played God Argentina football shirt.

always say that the home my ancestors is Europe and I am a child of the West with all that it represents.

My language is European, my readings are European, my philosophy and many of my teachers are. I'm not saying this is better or worse than other sources, but one needs roots and mine are around the Mediterranean.

why I feel comfortable in a piazza of Italy, a coffee Paris or Seville Trail
... and that I have not ever been in them but in my dreams! Small

affections for Italy and its wonders, they're mine and i my nonni ,
; ; for Greece and its islands inhabited by nymphs (another language, Greek, I love and I tried to study),
for France, mother of freedom and the birthplace of the values \u200b\u200bof modernity that are my own,
for petite Belgique et héroïque that, above its historic beffrois of Hercule Poirot Amicale , is home to one that loves my heart ...

European ancestry, by Western culture, I'm American by birth and, at this point in my life choice. Sometimes I have wondered if, like many compatriots, would claim the Italian citizenship, my reply, almost instinctively, was no, I am Argentine.

Argentino de Rosario.
Argentina and not Buenos Aires. Argentine
born and raised in the 60 and 70.
Argentine teenager who lived in the Super 80. Argentine
who traveled a thousand times in history and landscapes of his land in the pages of a book and now in Argentine roads to the end.

love my country (my generation is hard to say country) and I get disgusted when my fellow nicknamed the scatological epithets;

or when they say, what fucking country! (In Creole) phrase, rather than Argent, I think Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires despicable.

love I love their history and myths still uncounted.
love your language. His music (most recently to tango). Diversity.
I have not, you know, indigenous ancestors, but I can not think of an Argentina of ten thousand years old, thousands of languages, hundreds of stories that speak to me and I heard his claim as , to me, I got exiled from the land of the Old World.

Argentina, America (all, every bit), the New World and, for that matter, the New Man are also part of my elective affinities. And they'll talk another day ...