Last week Mario Bunge was in Argentina. With his usual nonchalance expanded on his favorite topics, contesting, as usual, what he called pseudoscience. Attacked, especially psychoanalysis, which qualifies as "mace" and dropped a few ironies of his life in a country like ours.
Bunge and psychoanalysis, of course, are just an excuse.
a pretext to talk about those who, like him, have dared to speak out against certain unanimity.
In the crowd of magicians, occultists, and dishonest charlatans who walk this world of ours selling their false mysteries, many have reacted strongly to say a moment!, What evidence do you have for say such extraordinary things
Or, more directly, beat it stops, che!
These people, brave and tenacious challenge convention and everyone who believes in its mission, are known to be skeptical.
A skeptic is a doubter.
is not a denier systematic nor a pessimist, let alone someone narrow-minded.
is a man or a woman who believes that the reason should be a guide to investigate mundo.
Es un curioso que no se convence fácilmente.
Un inspector de ideas, si así lo prefieren.
Se ha dicho que el padre de la ciencia es el asombro, y es verdad, pero el asombro puede dar lugar a muy diversas conclusiones. La madre de la ciencia, única como toda madre, es la duda. Sin el asombro tendríamos una ciencia de lo obvio, de la banalidad, sin la duda tendríamos saberes vagabundos, incapaces de formar una trama coherente.
El escéptico recupera la tradición científica de dudar y hace bien. Suele, a shame, to forget the wonder and there is his limit.
As Mario, brave sower of doubts, but suspicious of the grass of the never before imagined.
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