The Tupolev 445 Aeroflot brings me quickly to the Ezeiza International Airport is the July 23, 2010 , I have ninety years old, married with three children, six grandchildren and I do not remember how many great-grandchildren. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union , now retired but consulted from time to time by the Prime Ministers of the various socialist states (including the obedient comrade Tony Blair), a lovely dacha on the shores of the Aegean (my only condition when Russia won Istanbul and European Turkey ) and surrounded by the love of thousands of comrades around the world. My last trip was to the former United States to advise them on their disastrous economic policy.
forty-eight years I've been avoiding close to my homeland, even when Argentine ministers traveled to Moscow to refinance foreign debt (IMF moved to the USSR in 1990) refused to meet them. Now it does not matter, I can return.
Even the air was different when we landed. I let the rest of the committee was with the President to manage the franchise Zamora (since 1970 no longer export the revolution, simply attach a franchise and they bear the cost) and slipped in my wheelchair, to an exit lateral.
How different the Buenos Aires 2010, Buenos Aires, 2010's I remember!
Better or worse? I can not say they are Socialists and more recently changes are usually slow. So far I see no slums, nor major highways, "looks good, no?
A car brings me swiftly to the north, looking for a city and a direction that I have carefully avoided since I know, there I will make a final balance of my life ...
I think what happened in these past fifty years.
The Soviet Union is the world's leading power, a power I must say, not always fair, not too democratic, but that is admired (and imitated) worldwide. The values \u200b\u200bof socialism are still valid, despite the "holiday baskets" and the rise of REDINT, the worldwide networking of computers revolutionized the way we communicate, it even seems that the leftist rebel power as time passes. And, after I created in the 70's, we have our own protest groups, arising spontaneously and those who can not control. The parties are in disrepute, it is true, and perhaps this is not foreign to my habit of giving gifts to their presidents, secretaries and others, but the Soviets have become independent of them and every day more rebels are our guidelines.
football did not yet a passion, but we're at it, since 1978 (when the World Cup in Russia) have perfectly idiotic sportswriters, that's something ...
The rest of the world is socialist or is in the process of being, Argentina, along with Papua and Andorra were the only remaining capitalist states and now the three bought the license to be considered officially Marxists, so that side and no problems. Are, you might say, the United States, ha, please, can anyone seriously think that those forty-something semi-independent states may count for something?, They are lucky if they are not incorporated Mexico into a couple of decades ...
Recently I saw Che did not make it from 68, do not talk politics, just play chess, but before I floated me a question: - Was it worth all this , Gustavo, socialism did not do his opponent in the process?
I'm coming to Rosario, the street lives a man of forty who know well and who know nothing, I think he's the one who can answer the question. FIN
Power is a wonderful thing, but the propaganda is better. It is not to criticize the Soviet propaganda, types and had their good thirty years to use and handled quite well but lacked three things: 1) A clear, 2) a real sense of what the masses want and 3) very, very imaginative.
were idealistic, of course, not criticize him, however things they were getting out of hand and needed a good image consultant.
And there I was, in Lublianka, keeping the kids happy and share a friendly with the guards. The case became famous, "the Argentine who is well with everyone," Pravda headline and Premier Khrushchev came to visit the prison followed. During these visits we discussed all issues amicably possible, just did not talk politics because, as I said, "I am not interested in politics, Mr. Premier, I am a communist" which made her laugh to Comrade Nikita, a simple farmer, playful, but capable of terrible wrath.
that day, my friend was more than worried, a man named Vladimir Semitchastny, commander of the secret police, as I said, conspired to put in place a figure that was more "understanding" with the old hawks the KGB. wanted to know if I had any idea.
- Any ideas, Nikita? - I answered yes, a few, but you will the banks?
- " What do you mean, comrade?
- have to make changes, hey, this is no more.
was startled and replied: "I am a Marxist consistent, not for me to destroy Mother Russia.
I liked when he spoke well, so vehement and more when you beat his fist on the desk, Nikita was a truly charismatic figure, an advertiser's dream.
- Look "I told him not asking you to change anything ...
- Best and he replied there are some young guys who insist to a policy of glasnost and perestroika to implement something called ...
- Why?
- Two Russian words with which, surely, you are not familiar, "he said glasnost and perestroika means transparency means economic restructuring ...
- sounds good, "I
- ; That says Miguel, a young agent of the KGB, he believes that if we open a little game we overcome the serious economic and social problems in Russia. I'm not so sure, paused a moment, evidently not sure how to express their doubts, Nikita was a flower type, was in fact the ordinary Russians, with a natural acumen and sometimes brutal, and sensed that something was not closing on Michael Young's proposal (after it was learned that Michael Gorbachev, someone in my own time was well known)
- ; 're right, "I said by way of this kid you are going to hell ... (I used another word, Argentina, untranslatable into Russian)
- So, Gustavo comrade?
had no idea, but it was the first time since my arrival they offered me a great opportunity and this, of course, excited me. In Lublianka had exhausted the possibilities of doing something important and I was bored, on the other hand, I was fond of the Russians, with their ways, so similar and so different from Argentina and I felt the need to give them a hand ...
- Look Niki-added-do a test.
was enthusiastic.
I asked him to identify a simple but important problem for people, something less, perhaps, but indicative of social mood. For my part, and some young workers (specifically including Miguel I included) would solve the issue and himself, and nobody else, I would judge my performance based on results of the campaign.
If everything was fine only asked to handle the advertising account of the USSR for about, say, seven years ... than she was one of the State's plans. I pointed out that the test does not lose anything, I could always go back to prison (bored and everything was better than the Gulag, where there was due to start from scratch) and that success would not be mine, but yours.
There was a final objection.
- Look, comrade I said after an awkward silence, you are a kind of outsider, of course not the ideal communist militant, but it is a typical capitalist, I, err, I did not have much contact with Argentines, but I think that if everyone is like you, are a different type of people ... neither socialist nor capitalist, but quite the opposite. If I have to be honest admiro su trabajo en la prisión, pero también creo que debería fusilarlo por ese mismo trabajo...
Me sonrojé.
- Creo que es usted un mentiroso nato, simpático, sí, pero mentiroso- agregó Nikita- y capaz de hacerle trampa al mismo diablo, como dicen en mi pueblo...
- Argentina We have a word for that, "replied proudly chanta ... Yes, comrade premier, I'm a chanter, but ask yourself if you should have a chanta like me at your service ...
got the job.
start with something as simple as the sauce and sausages Gosplan ... Everyone complained about them, they were the same across the Soviet Union, its flavor, its poor quality ... it was said that if sent astronauts to space satellites and why you could not do something decent with food in factories and schools. One day, one member my team brought some opinion polls had asked, but instead to reduce the answers to numerical indicators, I wanted to read them one by one, I hit the third I found: a woman in the Kursk area qualified to food of his works as "junk." The kids in the team, all good Communists who were born after the revolution and within, took offense to me, of course, that gave me an idea.
Simple, almost obvious, like all ideas once someone has had, but that nobody had been able to see before.
create, then the State Company for Fast Food to which I named as Uncle Josif (Uncle Joe) in an obvious allusion to Josif Stalin. We gave an attractive logo, the face of Stalin in red and black (which we take your old pictures that nobody wanted) and put a bit branches everywhere, I began an aggressive advocacy campaign, presenting it as new, the food space age (they were happy with it at the time) and, most importantly, an alternative to foods factory. It was, of course, the same menu, but presented differently, boxes of beautiful colors, some Soviet symbols, of course, get one free promotion, a generous supply of fries (Well, were turnips sometimes) and the inevitable sauce, yes, identical to that raised so many complaints. Locals flocked to just open and it was necessary to implement extra shifts, the employees were all under my control and my reading of the future combined with the suggestions of the boys on moral incentives, implemented the coveted title of "Employee of the Month", the which was later changed, the Russian taste for the "hero of the month" and he added the "red star for serving sizes" given at the end of the year. All linked to the state company had the same uniform, so I took another complaint, colorful and, I must say something ridiculous, but very, very, effective, university students who had left his career to serve in the premises of Uncle Josif (I had suggested Mc. Josif, but I think with good reason, rejected).
quality standards of the company were the same as the old companies, but presented in a new style, we were one big family, a team where everyone aportábamos the common effort and we were all over the Soviet territory. The client, Comrade we said, was always right ... except in those cases where we had, but this always added to the general rejoicing, "no should know. " In my free time I organized soccer teams, I aimed to implement more forcefully the sport in the USSR, to do a massive passion, forcing the media coordinators and positions to participate in them that Uncle Josif I also host the Festival Ballet Bolshoi that year, a practice that continues to today.
Finally, the fast-food campaign was a success and it almost cost us a single kopek since the investment was provided in the Gosplan.
A week after the cosmonauts from the Soyuz 1 appeared on television eating a "festive basket" Uncle Josif (which triggered our sales), a happy comrade Khrushchev came to my department of the Nevsky. Katia
was living with me and was proud of the visit of head of state, I put on my slippers and invited him to drink in the living room, was watching the football championship final: "Glory of the Motherland "a boring event, but I still wondered why ...
- Congratulations, comrade, "he began stretching out his hand.
- Thanks che-le-hope reciprocated the campaign has been to your liking.
- do my liking? - Started laughing and I could not help thinking, again, the charisma of this kind, oh yes, comrade, yes! During my visit to the United Nations around the world asking me about Uncle Josif, to the Yankees, a certain Roland, and Ronald, or so I wrote to ask me about data (I replied, but I knew that he was arrested for "anti-American" ), the Warsaw Pact boys want to have Uncle Josif in their countries ... from '45 were not so ... how was the word?, ah, yes, popular in Europe ...
- What they say in the Kremlin, Nikita?
- Oh , well, you know they are, comrade, "now his usual familiarity, there are suspicions and some believe ...
- think should depose him, Comrade Premier, he said, as always, Katia. The
not surprised - I want to turn since I took, my dear comrade. Whatever you do there are always unhappy ...
- Top In that spirit, che "said I, because we both started to get into that typical melancholy Russian only cured with a bottle of vodka we have them where we want.
- " How, Gustavo? - asked both
- ; Paste, Katia, Nikita, that's what to do ...
- What I then said the premier-a good purge, some trials add or a people's court ... might intervene militarily in Poland ...
- ¡No!- grité- ¡no sean brutos, cuernos!- bueno, usé la palabra argentina otra vez- Pero, che- los reconvine paternalmente- esas cosas no van más. Yo no sé, Nikita, vos sos un buen marxista y yo no leí más que el “Prólogo a la crítica a la economía política” cuando hice primer año en la Facu, y encima en el resumen de la amiga de un amigo, pero me parece que ustedes no entienden mucho de que va esto del comunismo, ¿verdad?
- Explain said something pissed the Premier and Secretary General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, no less than argento come not know where it intended to give classes on political theory ...!, but kept his composure.
At least until it ended up exposing my own version of seven-year plan. I looked furious and went, Katia did not speak to me for a whole week.
4 .- Dialectic applied or All power to the media!
Last week we met again in my department, Nikita did remove the guards and offered me, in his awkward style and sincere apologies.
- I thank- well-for what you did. At this time I would be in Novaya Zemlya, but for you, Gustavo.
- Oh , is nothing, "Katia's apology this morning was, of course, more effusive, just talked to some guys Pravda and I convinced them to hold you in power ... the other side we had some savings I could use Uncle Josif in a good cause ...
- " Bribing generals, Argentina?
- Miralo de este modo, Nikita- respondí- hice regalos de cumpleaños que tenía pendientes, prometí algunas cosas que, de todos modos, iba a cumplir porque era mi deber y asusté a algunos al cerrar locales en ciertos cuarteles...nada inusual. Sólo les di motivos para estar agradecidos conmigo y - lo miré a los ojos- con mi amigo el Premier...
- What now? - Asked, accept suggestions ...
- Well , Katia, Nikita, we must now act, hot. What we pursue is a revolution, but where do you start the revolution?
- Cuando coinciden las condiciones subjetivas con las objetivas, es decir cuando los cambios...- comenzó a recitar Katia.
- No cuándo, amor, sino dónde- y sin esperar respuesta añadí- aquí- golpeándome la cabeza con los nudillos.
- That, comrade, is a deviationism ...
- Me Katia so excited when you talk, really, but concentrate on the case; right? - Nikita looked at me astonished people have to be proud of the revolution, to feel part of herself, love her, excited her to continue with your Katia topic ... Look at the revolution is like God.
- What?
- Listen a little, Niki, do you want?, And tell me: what is the organization most complete, comprehensive and durable of all?
- No I know, I guess ...
- Religion, comrade, religion, churches and, in particular, Catholic Church. mind you, commit the greatest crimes, they send huge nonsense (again I used a argenta wordiness), cheat and use the faithful, change the essential points of their doctrine ... and continue as campers ... seriously, Nikita, priests are going to bury you ...
- We have taken steps in this regard ...
- No hear me, buddy, I'm not saying that the enemies are the priests, on the contrary, I put them as an example. Mystic, hey, that is the question ... mystical identification with a cause without knowing exactly what it is but convinced of his goodness ... You, the leaders of the Union Soviet must be as God sends good when good rain and also when sending the flood ...
stay a while thinking, I took the opportunity to strike while hot.
- We that make everyone want to live in the Soviet Union , we must introduce the world as they want us to be, not as we really are, but we can live up to the circumstances, patience, but at least they see us and say, "hey, that's good to be Soviet laburo all types have, everyone has a car, a house, There are no racial problems, or religious, have their flaws, of course, by then invade Hungary or overthrow the Iranian government, but who cares!, in everything they do is great. " That's what I have to think of us, and we have to start thinking about ourselves ...
- Well, comrade, Gustavo, is precisely what we are planning in the Bureau of Propaganda ...
- Bureau of Propaganda!, please Niki, do not make me laugh ... I had to deal with these guys. What happened, che, in twenty had good publicity, but after the war ...?
It was very fruitful meeting that ended, well, I do not count as we ended up with Katia, Nikita, Eliana and some came after Red Guards ...
was agreed that the Bureau continue working for a while and not let guys in the street and control, but me and a select team of Uncle Josif we can take care of a new office: the EntuRev or the Enthusiasm ; Revolution. With code-named Oktubre (I liked the Redonditos when, in the future, I was young) we operated outside official government channels and unrelated to the CPSU stagnant.
Coverage de Nikita Jrúshev era fundamental, así que mi primera tarea fue crear una imagen positiva de él afuera y adentro del país. No fue difícil, lo mostré tal como era, algo que a los rusos les encanta... creamos un par de revistas de chismes de los miembros de la Nomenklatura , el nombre popular del reducido grupo de personas que realmente dirigían la URSS , Miguel propuso actuar contra ellos, y otros pretendían negar su existencia, les dije que no a ambos, aceptamos su presencia, pero, en lugar de criticarlos, mostramos sus lujosas dachas sobre el Mar Negro y escribimos jugosos artículos sobre sus romances con miembros del equipo olímpico; las revistas se llamaron El Pueblo, con un sesgo más político, pero netamente oficialista y Rostros directamente dirigida a un público que se interesase por las vidas privadas y las residencias glamorosas. Fueron un éxito, hasta el punto que Pravda comenzó a operar contra nosotros, entonces nos dirigimos contra él, después de intentar cooptarlo claro, y creamos Hoja 24, un periódico de oposición que se hizo famoso por sus titulares irreverentes...
La segunda fase, dirigida por Miguel pero bajo mi estricta supervisión (el tipo era casi un genio, pero carecía de autoridad , todos se burlaban de él), consistía en la reforma política, ojo, yo no quería hacer alteraciones sustanciales, personalmente el liberalismo Socialism or indifferent I am Argentine publicist and remember?, but that the single party, the elections with few candidates, the Soviets were not going well, how to change everything was not the devil himself?. Miguel was a radical, wanted to open the game and the experience of sheet 24, a critic from the left, proposing all sorts of nonsense, I will accept them, of course, but it was my own game. As there was in the Argentina was relatively simple thing, my talent was unique, not so much come from the future but by the tricks he knew, and having no rivals (as well as my security, future and fun were insured) could devote my energies to work for the Soviet homeland. Development CPSU division into two great parties of the Communist Party and the Democratic Party, more conservative the first, the second most popular. Both agreed on the main points, especially in maintaining the socialist system and the Soviets, but everyone had full freedom to act as he wished in the remaining points, so the PC was based on the Nomenklatura in the Army and Fleet and department bureaucrats, while the PD brought together intellectuals, media jobs, the majority of industrial workers and important group of young people, the air force also sympathized with them. In the regional soviets was the difference, some republics were Communist and other Democratic strongholds, which was reflected in their delegates, an Uzbek, for instance, was usually Communist, while Kazakh democratic era, all Georgians who clung to Communism, XXV after the congress, claimed to Stalin. Also, Michael insisted on it, we encourage the emergence of minor parties, even a virulently pro-American, but I was the one who allocated the funds to them and assured me that will permanently remain a fool.
back policy Russia.
In the streets animatedly discussed and elections were followed with an enthusiasm not seen since the twenties. Nikita, of course, was the front, but we renew all middle managers and most annoying members of the nomenklatura. Katia, and Eliana, wanted me to present myself as a candidate, I told them to never commit this mistake and here I have kept my word instead Nikita persuaded to join the PD and I got that General Vladimir Semitchastny, back Siberia, is offered as PC candidate, both were friends of mine (to Vladimir I got him a couple of good friends, in addition to the reduction of penalties) and alternated in power for twenty years ...
In 1965, Niki dismantled the Warsaw Pact and established a peacekeeping force to face Socialist NATO, I almost did not speak about it but I designed a campaign in all media presented it as "the guard of Democracy ", by the time I coined the phrase" Free World "to refer to the socialist countries, a British publicist I initiated a complaint, but I had taken the precaution of registering the brand worldwide (the same way I did with communism, socialism, Marx, Marxism and a dozen more, not forgetting the sickle and the hammer, the red star and International) now to use some of those words or emblems must have permission from the USSR. That, of course, gave me an idea.
was 1967 and blowing winds of foliage in the Republic of Czechoslovakia, spoke of socialism with a human face (Sheet 24 had an excellent title that winter) and anticipating that next spring, in Prague, would be different.
Katia We talked, I had turned off the TV, definitely had to do something with the Soviet football, as she turned to me and asked, as restoring a conversación interrumpida:
- ¿Y los demás?
- What about that?
- The other socialist countries in the world, Poland, Romania, for example, are lagging behind ...
- Katia, we can not take care of everyone ... Which are fixed!
- You acting as a silver, and you know it-it hurt Gusti in his mouth, I must admit, I am concerned about the future of socialism sincerely ... There are multitudes of Poles who want to cross to the USSR and do not say anything about the East Germans, but that is not what worries me, finally after all are neighbors and are under our direct influence, but ... What about Chinese? Or of the Cubans? We can not lock ourselves in our borders, we need out there ...
- " Yes? - answered trying to give my words the accent neutral as possible, there in my own bed, just checking la efectividad de Oktubre.
- Claro, Gustavo, mi camarada argentino, somos la avanzada del Mundo Libre, somos el reaseguro de la democracia contra la dictadura fascista de los Estados Unidos; nuestro destino, un destino manifiesto si me permitís la expresión, es cuidar al mundo...
Aquello me excitaba, mi propia esposa comprobaba los éxitos de my work, the Soviets were proud of their country, while no longer repressed desires looked westward, however, felt able to seduce the world!, and felt that things should be!
- You have right, as always love, tomorrow we begin a new stage ... The USSR is just the beginning ...
Empezamos por el cine y la televisión, sin descuidar la radio y la prensa, pero ellas ya andaban solas. Me reuní con el Director de Filmes del Estado y le comuniqué que su departamento ahora reportaba directamente a Oktubre, no opuso resistencia y no tuve que despedirlo.
De inmediato empezamos a trabajar en tres proyectos claves: una serie de filmes sobre la vida de las familias soviéticas, debían hacerse en colores, con el formato más tradicional posible y de ellos la tercera parte serían comedias: colaboré personalmente en los guiones de varias de ellas, en casi todas el muchacho conoce a la chica y se enamora después de una serie de enredos, hay un par de personajes absurdos y casi tontos con los que el público no podía menos que encariñarse. Lo único que variaba en ellas era el decorado (el campo, el siglo XIX, el espacio exterior) y los nombres de los actores, desechamos, para este proyecto a los grandes actores nacionales y elegimos a desconocidos; los mudamos a una ciudad ucraniana llamada Chernobyl (el reactor, dije, deberían emplazarlo en otro lado) e hicimos de ella la sede de las industrias fílmicas soviéticas, en un barrio exclusivo vivían los actores y las actrices, a los que se les permitían, y festejaban con algunas cuidadosas notas de censura, todas sus extravagancias.
El otro proyecto consistió en una serie televisiva titulada "Heading to the Stars" located two hundred years into the future, with a crew veiled socialist, who explored the area on behalf of the Union Planet, whose operation is based on the Soviet constitution, most of the strength of ship, the Intrepid called, was Russian, but there was even a U.S. official, silly, that was the delight of the audience with his tics capitalists ... the captain, meanwhile, a gallant interplanetary and science officer, an alien cold and rational, they became favorites of the audience. Loved the series cosmonauts and popular interest fostered space missions, to the point that Semitchastny Premier announced that by 1975, sent a man to Mars (the Yankees and the project had failed lunar), which, really, was achieved in 1980.
My third idea was to create movies based on a secret agent; Oktobriana, elegant, somewhat cynical, highly sexual and always superbly groomed, was a spy in the service of the Kremlin as we would like it to be, not as they are in reality. Their secret gadgets, umbrellas explosives, helicopters, amphibious or personal cars, became an excellent product to include in the "holiday baskets" of Uncle Jósif...
Por esa época conocí al personaje histórico que, seguramente, hubiera elegido ver si alguien, antes de David Dezorzi, me hubiese propuesto viajar al pasado; Ernesto “Che” Guevara.
Lo había rescatado una misión especial en Bolivia y estaba reponiéndose en una clínica de Sebastopol. En sus visitas anteriores, deliberadamente, yo había evitado encontrarme con él, me daba cierto pudor y, además, no quería involucrarme demasiado en los asuntos de América Latina... sabía que, en ese mismo momento, un pibe, en la ciudad de Rosario, crecía ajeno a un futuro que, seguramente, no viviría nunca; I wanted to stay outside the life of that kid in Argentina.
I came to the door of his room and stopped, only had a few minutes, perhaps just in time to a single question, and wanted to use it well. I spent
- So that you're the Argentine who keep hearing about ...
- Yes, "replied modestly
- "Sos de Rosario, like me?
- No I like what you do, or how you do it, buddy "His voice was mocking.
- I do my best for the Soviet Union, "I replied almost square.
- Dejate of bullshit, "he went maybe you think you're working with socialism, but to me che," I do not like as "say Martin Fierro.
spoke at length, finally, because two Argentine lejos de Argentina, siempre se entienden, me dolía, aún me duelen, sus dudas acerca de mi trabajo, pero en cuanto cambiamos de tema me sentí más a gusto de lo que lo había estado por mucho tiempo, más a gusto de lo que estaba desde que llegara a la URSS.
Por fin me animé y le hice la pregunta que toda mi vida había querido hacerle, la pregunta que todo argentino querría formularle al Che, la pregunta que nadie, a ciencia cierta, había podido responder en mi tiempo:
- Che, Ernesto what box are you?
The ship, my cabin is closed only two Plexiglas doors, seemed immovable. Stirring, yes, but the effect was similar to a train ride on a seat positioned behind the locomotive, all that was around me was moving back with sudden jumps. I stopped seeing my friend, hugged Viviana, I think, and I could see, briefly, their arrival in a couple of months ago, then there were many military uniforms, launching ramps, a pasture and, finally, the sea in the distance. Finally the images were unidentifiable, simple, brownish spots. The indicator board noted the years time running backwards and the target was fixed in 1955. As I explain (I explain it better to say, but this embarazaría the editor) David, was not yet possible to determine the flow of time beyond one year of approximation, therefore the two indicators are not recorded months or days, not to mention hours. It seems as though when I said I was connected to the Tokyo Stock Exchange (in my time There was an exchange in Tokyo), the device worked like a slingshot, where my ship was the projectile, the vortex generators created a temporary, whatever it was that, and threw over there, absorbed by the hyper gravity (I think) the ship was carried away until the vortex ceased to act on it, then fell, they said, at the desired time to within about six months, as estimated. Well, at least what I remember, I'm sure your explanation was much more technical, but mathematics, except financial, are not my forte. The landscape around me suddenly became more consistent, some trees were visible and the counter del tiempo se detuvo. Suavemente, la nave dejó de zarandearse y pude sentir que la fuerza que me empujaba se había desvanecido. Me dolía la cabeza y tenia ganas de vomitar, una sensación nada diferente de una resaca de domingo por la mañana, cerré los ojos y me quedé dormido. Me despertaron voces ásperas en un idioma desconocido. A través del plexiglás veía tres figuras con uniforme y gorro de astracán, tal vez este detalle sea un recuerdo posterior, detrás de las cuales se veía un colorido cartel que representaba, idealizada, la imagen de la base militar que David arrendaría en un lejano futuro... ¿Dónde y cuándo estaría?, me pregunté. El lugar, claro, was obvious, the same military base in Kazakhstan, the time ... I looked at the quadrants, the indicator pointed to 1957 period, with an unpleasant or so that made me wary of the details of David, obviously the vortex had taken me a couple of years earlier (or later) than expected. I opened the door to your right and greeted with a smile. Two of the men shouted something that I did not understand, but as I pointed their guns chose to raise their hands. The third placed handcuffs me and took me to a nearby shack. - Well, I told myself I'm in the Soviet Union in 1957 ... and without a ruble in his pocket. This is going to be difficult. But I knew I could overcome it, the ugly picture of my friend David told me he could not return I presented several times while walking on deep snow, was now sure I had cheated (like when we were young and singing I bid twenty-five) However I am not to mourn over spilled milk and decided that I amoldaría the situation, given a choice would have preferred New York, Los Angeles or even in the 50 Rosario, but if I was the Soviet Union and the Engineering. Of course I was only a rough idea of \u200b\u200bthe history of the twentieth century, let alone Russian history, I knew that until the 90 formerly communist (ie had something like a dictatorship that was against private property) and the Yankees were fighting for world domination, they had missiles, spacecraft of poor quality and horrible weather (as I was checking at the time) and lacked the comforts of modern life, even the few existing at that time. It was not much I could remember and, moreover, were fragmentary knowledge, as still photos of an old newsreel. To begin with the language. not understand the questions and they did not understand my answers. They were not too talkative, it is true, which was an advantage because after a couple of hours was able to tell that asked about my nationality and my mission. They thought it was an American spy and that my ship was an experimental model of aircraft observer. I repeated that he was Argentine, but none of my interrogators appeared to understand me. Until finally Eliana. Eliana Koliakov Fedorova, blonde, short, sharply Slavic features, a preciousness, I said and spoke English well. She wore a cute navy blue uniform with a red star on his lapel, and looked out of a James Bond movie (one of my sources on Soviet culture.) I remember his first gesture, wrinkled his nose, took a paddle hanging on the wall and hit me with it while I was asking my name, grade and serial number. I at that moment I fell in love with her. - Egoeimí replied. Gustavo Egoeimí. There should have kissed, but instead repeated: - Gustav Egoiov? - More or less, "I replied in English, I'm from Argentina, South America", you located? - Arguentinya, yes, "he said at Amerrika" and added, "are you Peronist? - Peronist? - I thought, well I was a friend of Menem and Duhalde and I have no problems with Kirchner, yes, yes, "I said I'm Peronist ... - Fascist, "she spat as his command quickly undressed me completely. was going to start a tough questioning when he appeared in another scene woman, barely taller than Eliana, was named Katia, Katia Anenkova Iskandariev, I learned later, was the curator of the party in the region. A brunette beauty, with some blood Uzbek, or perhaps Armenia, almond eyes and strong arms in his khaki uniform. It seemed like the perfect heroine to escape across the steppes. I loved her too. discussed a moment, in incomprehensible Russian, I think, even for a Muscovite, about what to do with me. Eliana apparently intended to refer to the KGB for interrogation in order, but Katie insisted on taking me to party headquarters and placed under his custody. They also discussed how they could classify me politically Eliana said that a Peronist was just a South American fascist, Katia, meanwhile, argued that Perón had been toppled by a coup sponsored by the CIA, were therefore tactical allies of the Soviet regime (this, of course, I found out later). I remember being struck by the deep knowledge they had, in a loss steppes of Central Asia, about my country, they knew things that I know and although I was never very fond of history, must recognize that their arguments (when I was the translated) were equally convincing in either direction. was finally decided, I sent to the infamous prison Lublianka (lo de infame es sólo para darle cierto color local) y así lo hicieron, para mi agrado fui escoltado por ambas. El viaje duró un par de semanas, no había trenes disponibles y nuestros papeles se perdieron en trayecto entre la base y Alma Ata. Aproveché el tiempo disponible para aprender el idioma, con algunas variantes dialectales, ya que Eliana era azerí, de Bakú, y Katia ucraniana, de Odessa, de manera que al llegar a Moscú podía hablarlo tan bien que hasta entendía las bromas que me hacían mis dos custodias. Recuerdo que entramos riendo al edificio principal y que me llamó la atención el enorme retrato de un tipo, rostro franco y pesado, bigotes y la mirada fija en nosotros que, Of course, I recognized immediately. was Big Brother, the ruler (or was dictator?) Of the novel 1984. By the way, I clarify that I had read the book, but had seen the film (why read if all the great books are on DVD?) And television. There was said Katia, even after death continued to monitor the fate of his people, irritated, Elias said he did not know why were not using that damn box there, and that this had been a sort unfortunate for the Soviet Union. took note of the discussion among the girls, I met with a friendly spanking for both greeted passing the old portrait of Stalin and, as if he enlighten me, I came to my mind a couple of ideas, but I thought it was not yet time to implement them and went to prison.
I'm not sure where he is the sinister reputation of the prison, once you have seen one has seen it all. Of course, it is not the place I had chosen to spend my vacation but, except the size was not so different from Coronda prison in Argentina. I had visited after we won the tender for the better, in fact after the work is finished and was not very different from Lublianka. Los primeros dos meses en la prisión no fueron los más agradables, lo confieso, no manejaba bien el idioma y la mayor parte de las palabras que me enseñaron mis amigas no servían demasiado allí, pero el grupo humano era encantador, los evoco con cariño, ahora que muchos de ellos ya no están. Algunos me recordaban amigos de la City porteña, pero más ingenuos, otros, los disidentes los llamaban, eran muy quejosos, pero buenos tipos, muy cultos (y yo respeto la cultura) si bien un poco idealistas. No podía seguir del todo sus intrincados argumentos ¡y en ruso!, pero deduje bastante de ellos. A juzgar por sus palabras en Rusia se había traicionado la Revolución, ellos añoraban los viejos tiempos (aquí había muchas variantes, un par añoraban al Zar, no sé cuál de ellos, otros a un tal Kerensky, pero la mayoría a Lenín) y aspiraban a restaurarlos. Yo les decía que había que mirar las cosas positivamente, que no era bueno quejarse y que la política, en el fondo, no valía la pena, lo mejor era pensar afirmativamente. Así que conseguimos un espejo y todas las mañanas ensayábamos afirmaciones positivas. Ya saben, cosas como, “yo soy bueno”, “el mal no existe”, “estoy en armonía con el mundo”, “todo está bien si termina bien”, “no hay espinas sin rosas” y esas cosas... Al tiempo los muchachos, en su mayoría, dejaron de causar problemas. Era curioso, yo me limitaba a escuchar y asentir de vez en cuando, y esto los convencía de que era un leal miembro de su causa..., para los dos zaristas yo era un monárquico, para los socialistas revolucionarios el mejor desde un tal Gotz y para otros un discípulo de Trostky que los organizaría para la toma del poder. Me ofendía un poco que pensaran así de mí, ¡yo que jamás tuve una causa!, pero los muchachos eran así. Un día me llamaron del despacho del director de la prisión. - ¿Usted es el tal Gustav Egoiov?- me preguntó en ruso- ¿el argentino? - El mismo- respondí. - I have reports about you, and consulted a thick file-has upset the inmates and has a solvent preaching ... - ...- I assure you I tried to answer, but cut me off. - Silence!, Only respond when questioned, okay? nodded. - You are a foreigner, but the embassy denied know-would be replicated but their gesture was very eloquent, do not know where it comes from or who he really is. - Well, I ... - Silence! - He repeated it does not matter. Is it a good communist? - As good as any, sir, but what is really a communist? - In those months, my idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism had changed. Oh, not that I saw all pink now, but will be adapted to prison not a good time, of course, however: what was the complain? - A good Communist Party stood by the decisions, "he said a good communist believes in the working class and the triumph of the proletariat ... - That do not know much, sir, but if you mean you have to be well with the government, criticized for the low, proposing major changes, do nothing without consulting higher and stay where you are, well, you remember I am Argentine. The warden smiled and offered me a seat. - I have some ideas, "he said. I spent two years Lublianka. Most of the time in the office of director, managers should say, since I changed three while I was there. I became his right hand, organizing meetings, called his wife when he did not want to go home (I saw Eliana at the time, had married the second director and I visited once in place), I built a couple of study groups with the inmates, an art workshop and a library at the end of the types just wanted to be heard ... Finally, we made Lublianka a nice place, I'm proud of that, there is now the food was excellent (in fact it was the same crap) but had a menu to choose, or that sprayed on the beds, although mattresses allow rotasen so detainees each day waiting for night to exchange (always hoped that night would behoove one without bugs and if not, would be next), nor the guards were better, but I spread the rumor of imminent changes and that put them in a better mood, to both. not bore you with details, which can be found in my book "participatory Jails, prisons better, but I recall an episode of particular significance: had thrown a guard, a less brutal than the others, they said, if While all were quite friendly with me, and many blamed him for the new director. I spread the word, then, that the guard had been unfairly dismissed and let me assure you that indeed it was because of newly arrived, a group blindly accepted this version and began to protest in that high voice. While certain inmates convinced that the protest was a move from the old director to return to his former post, he had put the guard in question and the dissatisfied would benefit from a commutation of sentences just return the old bureaucrat. I also met with some guards to alert them about an escape disguised by protests and some prisoners whose sentences had they declared almost everything was orchestrated to thwart his impending release. After a couple of days were all so engrossed in their infighting that they forgot the matter of the guard and the new boss might take over its functions without major problems. Is that people need something to think lie is in prison right? Lublianka worked well, but I aspired to something else, I had stagnated and sought new challenges and broader horizons. Then came to visit my friend, Nikita.
As I became a Hero of the Soviet Union (As I wrote Gustavo Egoeimí)
This is a story I wrote, for the first time in 2005. I made a few changes, mostly syntactic, and now (with some embarrassment) the public into three parts. Hope you like it and I hope, too, his comments ...
1 .- In another place and another time.
In 1985, my old high school friend, David Dezorzi, we were very impressed by a science fiction movie called "Back to the Future." The film told the story of an American scientist (yes, believe it or not) that built a machine to travel back in time, the young scientist's assistant used the device to move to 1955 and rectify the disastrous family history.
remember that during long nights with David discussed the details of the plot. On one such occasion he and freshman of Technology, said that making a time machine was not as crazy as it might be supposed. Skeptical, I replied saying that only ignorance and challenged him to try.
- Why do not you dare? - I said, like a game.
- is not it?
- David "I replied with something mellow voice (we were not used to take) if you can build a machine that can bring a person back in time, hic, I, your friend, hic, hic, your brother! Gustavo, I'll be the first guy to travel in it ...
was, of course, a mere bravado of the boy was still, but the fact is that David took it seriously.
went to his desk, ran, pulled a sheet from a notebook and wrote my proposal.
- A signature? - Said handing me the pen.
- Why not? - I said before I fall asleep. And stamped my name at the bottom of the page. After
forgot the matter, I thought forever.
One afternoon many years ago for me, David, twenty years older, bearded, disheveled and dirty, but with the same unmistakable in their bright blue eyes, rang in my apartment. I was certainly happy I did see it and go.
I must say I had not yet married, secretly deplored, and lived in a comfortable apartment on Avenida Libertador in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina at the time, enjoying a delicious image consultant salary and other businesses less transparent.
- Hi, David, "I said excitedly over ...- hesitated-how have not seen you?
- Nineteen years and three months, twenty days, "he looked at his watch fourteen hours since we met last time.
- What should, che! did not need to be as accurate over time.
- time, "said accepting the seat offered him, is the most important thing for me ...
then engaged in a long account of his life in which it was perceived that, really, the time had become his personal obsession.
I have nothing against the obsessions, the mine had been, since leaving the School of Social Communication, make money, and she had sacrificed everything he possessed or could have, but in the case of David Search of the keys to travel through time continuum had displaced all other interests.
After leaving the Polytechnic, studied Nuclear Engineering Dezorzi UTN (and Viviana married my high school sweetheart ), Advanced Physics in Germany, Network Theory at MIT (an institute as was then the United States) and Epistemology in La Sorbonne. In return the Argentina, after rejecting offers from major laboratories in Europe and Japan, landed a research position at CONICET (until his show was canceled by the Minister of Economy Cavallo in 1999) and a professor at University of Rosario who reported a salary of about $ 700 (below poverty line), of which half spent at home and food and the rest to equip his modest laboratory.
I must say that I really touched their dedication and effort, and I grieved his bad luck.
My life had been different and, during the Roaring 90's, had flourished beyond the avaricious dreams you might have. Three departments, a home in a Country, several hectares in Buenos Aires and Santa Fe, two cars (one, sports), a yacht (small, 20 meters), a successful marketing and advertising agency, with flowering Internet departments and multimedia, and now, thinking about the advisability of investing part of my winnings (obtained in the soybean market) to buy a private plane. Something like shame, I confess, I was struck with the story of my friend and I knew, beyond the abysmal differences, they both nevertheless, we were as alone as in those evenings of 1985.
- That wanted to talk, then said Gustavo David-do you remember this - and took his clothes a worn gray piece of paper he held in his lower right, my own firm twenty years ago.
- No I know that's it, David, "I lied.
- Yes I know, "he said, rejecting my claim ignorance and hope you continue to be the guy I met, the Gustavo you never went back on a promise.
he wanted to say that since then, I had broken my word so many times I could not really remember when was the last time I told the truth, but to not lose the only answered:
- Of course, che! - And added (did I say because I was really moved?) - How much do you need?
I regretted the moment, but it was too late, David Dezorzi came at me with the force of an avalanche and was buried under a mountain of papers, diagrams, designs computer (had used an old machine Faculty so I gave him an old notebook) and photocopies of books in German, English, Russian and Japanese showing, he said, the feasibility of traveling through time.
- ¡Es posible, Gustavo, es posible!- exclamó entusiasta- las bases teóricas existen, los componentes ya han sido inventados, los riesgos son mínimos y las posibilidades- aseguró- ilimitadas.
Al oír estas palabras: “posibilidades ilimitadas” mi cerebro entrenado percibió estas otras: “ganancias fabulosas” y comencé a prestarle mayor atención.
Ahora bien, yo era un exitoso inversionista argentino, me manejaba en el mundo real y, por supuesto, no estaba en mi naturaleza arriesgarme en un emprendimiento cualquiera, al fin y al cabo había salido indemne de la última crisis, but there was something that convinced me.
- Vos 're traveling, obviously, "he said and you will be very famous.
- celebrity "? - Answered fascinated by the words" I'm not famous, "I added, almost to myself, in the 90 was quite a kid and now the style is low profile but ... - I got carried-out in magazines, being interviewed, having many friends on Facebook ... And achieve a private audience with the President, the North, of course, sell the technology to NASA ... make a franchise receivables Stock ...
not remember the rest of the talk, do not even know if I talked with David that night, but the fact is that the next day he had in his possession a check mine, the first for something like three thousand U.S. dollars (I looked como si fuese una fortuna) mientras que yo continuaba soñando con los beneficios potenciales de una “Máquina del Tiempo”.
Un mes después, cuando había olvidado el asunto y daba, no sin nostalgia, pero satisfecho de mi generosidad, por perdido el dinero, recibí una llamada por cobrar desde Kazajstán.
- ¿Kazajstán?- I said that I must be in the Middle East, who could that be?
had, indeed, some interests in Iraq since the invasion, but Kazakhstan, so I could remember Lopez Raffo, was further ... Was not one of those unstable republics that emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union? (Was another time, they should remember).
I accepted the call, I was surprised to hear from the other end of the world the voice of my old friend David.
- No lo vas a poder creer, Gustavo- me dijo a guisa de saludo- pero aquí me venden tres reactores tipo IC 45 y un condensador de movimiento con relés automáticos por sólo tres millones de rublos...
- ¿Ah sí?- respondí haciendo un rápido cálculo en dólares - ¡ah sí!- repetí cuando el cálculo estuvo hecho- ¡son thirty-three U.S. dollars! - cried, "whatever it is that, David, is a pichincha, bought two! - I said.
ignored me, of course, but there was a problem, the freight from Astana to the port of Buenos Aires ( Customs did not count because the commissioner was a friend) we are more expensive the price by 900%. Best, David argued, was to move the entire project to the steppes near Alma Ata and operate directly there.
Without really knowing why, and how my holidays were coming, not only accepted but we moved to the laboratory, four assistants to his team, a pair of students and everything (including, Viviana, the wife of David who was enthusiastic about the project, or perhaps with the free trip) to that desolate region.
When we arrived we were surprised to see that David had hired a former military base dismantled to install the complex.
As my friend found their aparatejos and their students, Vivi and I had fun walking along the dry bed of the Aral Sea or organizing trips to Tarbagai. And we became very good friends, I must say.
From time to time we left our hotel room to visit my friend and "monitor", as he said, his job.
My biggest concern was, of course, that everything was in order in the unlikely but not impossible, if the project works.
not know why I felt compelled to with David by my old Viviana promise and insisted that, since it was assumed that I had to travel in the engine, no expense was spared in its construction (which I thought would never end )
Finally, a bright winter morning, three days before the end of the year and two of my return to Buenos Aires, David was presented at the Hotel.
Vivian and I took tea when he was visibly excited announced
- Already list, Gus
- What? - Asked stupidly.
- The time machine-said-and this afternoon will travel in it.
And I could not say no.
was a kind of open cockpit, taken from an old amusement park in Rosario, connected by a tube to a giant accelerator partículas, según dijo David, y singularmente desprovista de los cuadrantes que yo esperaba encontrar.
- Algo tosca- aseguró mi amigo- pero funciona, la ensayé con éxito esta mañana.
- Really? - I said suspiciously, with what?
- With this bottle of vodka, "he said sent her a hundred years in the past and recovered from the sea-bed ...- handed me a glass-is really stale now ...
really vodka tasted terrible and I am convinced of the accuracy of the calculations my friend.
He explained that the car had only one indicator, a panel with two digital displays to mark the time point at which I was going and the length of time since my departure. The entire process, he added, was automatic.
- Y because you just will travel no further, because you would not know operate the controls.
- Well - I said then, if I travel alone I have something to ask.
- Of course, "he said what is friend?
- A pavada actually wants me to sign this contract which I CDs all rights to your time machine, profits, referrals, professional, educational and / or commercial y. ..
- Of course, Gustavo, "he said without hesitation that I would clear that the appliance is my name.
- Of course David! - I answered the call last straw, Gustavo machine what do you think?
- Barbaro was crazy, really excited.
- Eh hey, are we or are we not friends?. Gustavo Machine Industries Egoeimí what powder? Signed
immediately adding the clause, which spoke of his good heart, that if something happened to me the ownership of the equipment passed to my heirs directos, hijos si los hubiese, esposa en el caso contrario. En el apuro de la partida olvidé mencionarle un detalle; Vivi y yo acabábamos de casarnos...
A las quince y treinta, hora de Asia Central, los cuatro reactores nucleares comenzaron a funcionar, dejando momentáneamente sin luz a la región oriental del país, y el acelerador de partículas empezó a ronronear como una gatita mimosa. Viviana se había acercado para despedirme y me observaba, sonriendo, junto a mi amigo David Dezorzi.
Convinimos, como un homenaje a la película que nos inspirase (bueno, no a mí, pero sí a David) en que viajaría hasta el año 1955.
- " Which place will arrive, David? - I wanted to know, I would have liked New York, but of course, the scientist he was.
- The machine does not move in space, "he said, but in time.
not understand your answer, but since the unit began to shake as if he remembered his good old days at the amusement park.
remember that at that moment I wondered about the absence of journalists, but with a couple of wars so close it was strange that they had not attended the maiden voyage of a time machine and return convened.
- way I asked as the unit began to vibrate more and more quickly, "how can I return?
- No I know, "said David with a nasty smile Do you remember your proposal? - and I quote -" a device that allows a man to move backward in time ", you said nothing to move toward the future so it did not develop this concept-ended Vivian hugging and laughing out loud.
not remember any more because at the time the trip began.