Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kookaburra Cricket Stickers

forecast for tomorrow D +1 / December 17, 2009

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Mapa de Previsión - Principado de Asturias:

Probabilidad de Precipitación en tanto por ciento (%)

Resumen meteorológico - Valgrande-Pajares

Previsiones para mañana - Principado de Asturias

Previsiones para mañana - España, Europa y Resto del Mundo

Predicción Escrita:
Jueves, 17 de Diciembre de 2009:
Forecast: mostly cloudy sky to shed a tendency to reduce the cloudiness at the end of the day. During the first half of the day are expected to moderate rainfall and persistent, tending to decrease its frequency from noon and will be sending in the afternoon. Snow level varies from 800 meters down to 600 in the eastern half and between 900 to 1,000 meters to 700 in the western half with persistent heavy snowfalls in the Cantabrian Mountains. Rising temperatures moderate. Frosts in the interior highlands and moderate in the mountains. North Light wind component.
Highlights: Nevadas copiosas en zonas de la Cordillera Cantábrica.

Alertas Meteorológicas:
Alerta NARANJA por Nevadas.

Previsión por localidades:
Urbanización del Brañillín - 1.450 m.
Estado Meteo: Cielo cubierto con nevadas copiosas. Heladas moderadas.
Temperatura Máxima: -2ºC
Temperatura Mínima: -7 º C

Cueto Black - 1,890 m.

State Weather: Overcast
with heavy snow. Moderate frosts.
Maximum Temperature: -4 ° C
Minimum Temperature: - º C


State Weather: mostly cloudy sky. Moderate and persistent rains during the first half of the day and sending in the afternoon.
Maximum temperature: 9 º C

Minimum Temperature: 5 ° C


State Weather: mostly cloudy sky . Moderate and persistent rains during the first half of the day and sending in the afternoon.
Maximum Temperature: 8 ° C

Minimum Temperature: 3 ° C


State Weather: mostly cloudy sky . Moderate and persistent rains during the first half of the day and sending in the afternoon.
Maximum Temperature:
9 º C
Minimum Temperature: 5 º C


State Weather: mostly cloudy sky . Initially moderate rainfall lluvia dando paso a nevadas. Heladas débiles.
Temperatura Máxima:
Temperatura Mínima: 0ºC


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