Friday, December 4, 2009

Quotes From Fishsticks Episode Southpark

Who is the evil? Law abiding citizen

Transcribo parcialmente un texto publicado por Oscar Torres Barrón (honor a quien honor merece) en el sitio web Sin Dioses .
A veces damos por sentadas las cosas sin examinarlas en profundidad... por eso este texto, de lucidez implacable (como aquella vieja revista ochentosa) resulta revelador:

Jehová versus Satanás

Por Oscar Torres Barrón

Las religiones judeocristianas han proclamado a los cuatro vientos sobre la existencia de un Dios lleno de amor, creador de este universo cuyo nombre es Jehovah or Yahweh, as well as an evil entity known as Satan or the Devil who is the antithesis of the Lord and the cause of everything bad that happens and has happened in this universe. Owing

bear in mind the fact that the Bible from the religious point of view is the only book whose content is absolutely true and, moreover, is also the only one that contains all the truth about the origins, qualities and personality of these two entities - the Lord and Satan - any data that they find in some other writing, shall be regarded as apocryphal. Nor is it a secret to anyone that the Bible itself is full of violence, aggression and wickedness against this universe and those who populate it, so based on this great book is that it will show all sorts of atrocities committed by those things, as I said, against the Earth and its inhabitants , under which only exposes situations occurred on this planet.

First of all, let me explain the concept of ATROCITY literal, that is properly defined:

"act of great cruelty or extreme cruelty" (Larousse Dictionary 1995).

Now if we list the ATROCITIES that according to Holy Bible, have carried out these players in the spiritual plane. Lord

The God of the Hebrews, whom their worshipers described as a merciful, wise and all-loving, let's see what else does the Bible say about it:

2: 11:
"Thus saith Lord: Behold I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and take thy wives before your eyes, and give them unto thy neighbor, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun. " EZEQUIEL
: 5:17
send it on you famine and evil beasts that destroy you, and pestilence and blood shall pass for you, and you'll put on the knife. I am the LORD he hablado.
Mas Dios los herirá con saeta; De repente serán sus plagas.

Es este el concepto que TAMBIÉN se debiera tener de Jehová, fundamentado en la Biblia, el cual muchos fieles ignoran y quienes no lo hacen, le dan insignificancia o lo justifican.

Sus atrocidades

Ahora veremos sus atrocidades, todas ellas fundamentadas en la Biblia:

  1. Un Diluvio Universal que acabó con muchas criaturas inocentes tales como, animales, niños (¿existió alguna vez una población mundial de infantes perversos?) y sobre todo bebés y fetos: GÉNESIS 7 y August 2, 2 Peter 2:5.
  2. total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, I question: Is there ever ethnic groups whose children were evil people as a whole? GENESIS 19, 2 Peter 2:6
  3. direct cause of the transformation into a salt statue of an innocent woman (the wife of Lot): GENESIS 19:26.
  4. murder of a man who refused to have sex with her widowed sister, and to avoid masturbating: Genesis 38:1-10. Pest
  5. called "Wonderland" by Jehovah himself, to innocent people of Egypt, such as the elderly, women, animals and children (Does case sacrificing children?): EXODUS 7:1-14, 9:14-16, 10:1-2, 11:7.
  6. Annihilation ("wonder") to all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, including children: EXODUS. 12:29.
  7. direct cause extermination of an Egyptian army through immersion in the Dead Sea: Exodus 14:21-28. Disaster
  8. through fields Hail Egyptians: Exodus 9:22-25.
  9. Plague to humans: NUMBERS 11:33.
  10. Leprosy was a woman (Miriam) per plot against Moses: Numbers 12:1-10. Open
  11. Earth, through Moses, to swallow up an entire population (with all their children ... evil?) by default: Numbers 16:27-33.
  12. Genocide by burning 250 men NUMBERS 16:35. Genocide
  13. 14.700 people through a deadly plague: Numbers 16:49.
  14. deadly snakes attack fire at Israeli settlers (how could not think of Hitler?): Numbers 21:6. Genocide
  15. 24,000 people by means of a deadly plague: Numbers 25:9 -11. Logistical
  16. to massacre the king Sihon, his sons and his people and then loot: Deuteronomy 2: 32-35. Logistical
  17. to massacre Og and all his people Deuteronomy 3:2-3.
  18. Logistics Support to massacre and loot than 6 people: Deuteronomy 20:1 to 21:3. Bullying
  19. mass was the Israeli people: Deuteronomy: 28 (entire chapter). Ownership
  20. body of a man (Samson) to tear a lion cub JUDGES 14:5-6. Ownership
  21. body of a man (Samson) to slaughter 30 men: JUDGES 14:19.
  22. Application of tumors in the English of the Philistines (pest): 1 Samuel 5:6-9. Genocide
  23. 50.070
  24. men of Beth-Shemesh: 1 Samuel 6:19. Logistical
  25. Joshua to wipe out the Amorites (5 villages) and their kings, in addition to the people of Maceda, Libnah Lachis, Gezer, Eglon, Ebron, Dabir. From Kadesh Barnea to Gaza and Goshen to Gibeon, all this including the classic sack: JOSHUA 10 (entire chapter). Crushing
  26. with large pieces of hail an indefinite number of men: Joshua 10:10-11.
  27. Murder of "strong men" of Israel: Psalms 78:21-31. Grounded
  28. drought to Israel for 3 consecutive years due to an act of Saul 2 Samuel 21:1.
  29. murder of two men just: 1 Kings, 2:32. Order
  30. Jehu to kill survivors of Ahab, through the prophet Elijah, 2 Kings 10:17.
  31. Murder Er, the son of Judah: 1 Chronicles 2:3. Logistical
  32. the children of Reuben and Gad to raze four villages. 1 Chronicles 5:18-22.
  33. logistical support David to strike the Philistines and their livestock: 1 Samuel 23:2-5
  34. more logistical support to David to smite the Philistines 2 Samuel 5:23-25. Murder
  35. Uzza: 2 SAMUEL6: 7. Sort
  36. damage to the house of Ahab and Jezebel revenge: 2 Kings: 9:7.
  37. Joahaz Murder by a terrible and cruel disease: 2 Chronicles 21:17-19
  38. Application of leprosy
  39. Azariah: 2 Chronicles 26:20.
  40. threat of destruction to the people of Israel: ISAÍAS 10:20-27
  41. Amenaza a Pashur de muerte, destrucción y saqueo a sus seres queridos y pueblo, por haber herido a Jeremías: JEREMÍAS 20:1-8.
  42. Agresión contra dos falsos profetas: JEREMÍAS 29:21.
  43. Derivado de la envidia, amenaza de destrucción, muerte y saqueo al pueblo de Jacob (Sión y Samaria): AMÓS 6.
  44. Agresión, con ceguera y aturdimiento, a caballos de Judá y, con locura, a sus jinetes: ZACARÍAS 12:4.
  45. Aplicación de plaga desconocida contra los pueblos contrincantes de Jerusalén: ZACARÍAS :14:12.
  46. Intimidación por medio de amenaza de plaga hacia Egipcios: ZACARÍAS 14:18.
  47. murder of a baby as punishment for his father (David): 2 Samuel: 12:1-19. Genocide
  48. 70.000
  49. Israelites by a pestilence: 2 Samuel 24:15.
  50. Annihilation of 50 men with fire from heaven, 2 Kings 1:10-12.
  51. Application of blindness to the Syrians: 2 Kings: 6:18-19. Murder
  52. leprosy, Azariah (King): 2 Kings 15:3-5. Genocide
  53. 185.000
  54. Syrian: 2 Kings 19:35. Orders
  55. massacre "old and young, women and children until there is a ...": Ezekiel: Annihilation
  56. 9:4-6
  57. humans: Deuteronomy 2:15.
  58. Destroying the tents of Jacob and strengths of the daughter of Judah: Lamentations 2:2.
  59. destruction from Israel: Lamentations 2:5.
  60. Mass destruction of the Canaanites: NUMBERS: 21:3. Destroying
  61. Annunaki: Deuteronomy: 2:2. Murder
  62. men who came to worship any god Baal-peor: Deuteronomy 4:3.
  63. Annihilation and implementation of an epidemic of people of ASSOD hemorrhoids: 1 Samuel 5:6
  64. murder with leprosy as a king, 2 Kings: 15:5.
  65. Sending troops Chaldeans, Syrians, Moabites and Ammonites to destroy Judah, 2 Kings 24:2. Genocide
  66. with epidemic 70,000 men of Israel: 1 Chronicles 21:14. Orders
  67. destruction to Jerusalem (and performed): 1 Chronicles 21:15. Application
  68. leprosy
  69. Uzziah (King): 2 Chronicles 26:20.
  70. Murder of Hezekiah, for ingratitude: 2 Chronicles 32:24-25. Da
  71. orders to exhume corpses: JEREMIAH 8:1. Destruction of villages
  72. the son of Hinnom Valley: Jeremiah 19
  73. Threat of destruction of its people to Zedekiah king of Judah: Jeremiah 21
  74. Mischief heavy and tasteless Jonah: Jonah 3 and 4. Orders
  75. destruction and death the residents of Merathaim: JEREMIAH: 50:21.
  76. total annihilation of the army of Sisera: JUDGES 4:13-15.
  77. murder and destruction of Jabin of Canaan: JUDGES :22-24.
  78. threat of destruction to Babylon: JEREMIAH 51:52-58.
  79. Destruction of Samaria, Amos 3: 9-15.
  80. destruction threats and punishment: Amos 9:1-2.

A previous, non-all, we add the fact, attested by the New Testament and the fundamental basis of this, had sent knowingly to his Son, to Earth to suffer a tortuous death, the purpose of showing love


Many theologians and religious believers almost all agree that Satan is the cause of all evil in this world, disease and death, however, is the owner of such biblical Satan powers?, the biblical reference of such claims, does not exist or is from a strict point of view, inadequate and, from the logical point of view, absurd. The supposed origin of all evil is attributed to Satan written in Genesis, chapter 3. Then I invite you to read and analyze, from a reasonably fair the relevant passage:

At any point of this passage is mentioned that the serpent is Satan himself? Have you ever said no was an animal? Satan moves "crawling and feeding of dust? Who was that remedial action? Who is going to hurt so close to putting the potential to sin and sinner, each other? Who committed this oversight? Who is angry and so innocent faced this fact?

Now look at verse related, according to theology, with this passage, which is based on the assumed total responsibility of Satan in the Original Sin.

REVELATION 12:9: Was hurled down the great dragon, that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who deceives the whole world: he was cast ashore, and his angels were cast out with him.

Better razónelo yourself.

As stated, there is widespread belief that Satan is the cause of evil and it describes, although sparse and confused, Bible as follows:

Zechariah 3:1:
"Y shewed Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to tell you the adversary. "
2 Corinthians: 2:11:
"I will not be deceived by Satan, we are not ignorant of his devices."
"And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming to that evil, whose coming is the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders ... "
JOHN 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native he is a liar and the father of lies.

His atrocities

Well, now, to confirm previous reasonably attributes of this being evil, see what the Bible itself tells us of the wickedness, deceit and all atrocities committed by this evil entity called Satan :

  1. Provocation of an annoying itch Corporal Job: JOB: 2:7.

Dear reader, believe me, sincerely, I've searched all over the Bible more depraved and cruel by the evil one without finding another. Moreover, I have looked through the World Wide Web with biblical studies associations, such as , , http://iglesia-centro-cristiano. com , , (University Christian), etc., and I've only received two responses, one with the only biblical references and I have already given the other that tells me what he suspected beforehand ... Literally there is no specific act of atrocity, written in the Bible!

Personal Consultations with believers, through Christian chats and religious individuals personally, I have commented that although the scarcity of evil in the Bible is a telling fact, those who believe in the Holy Scripture must, of necessity, reasoning that Satan is a wicked and harmful to humans and for the good intentions of Jehovah God (same as are contained in the Apocalypse or Revelations, which I recommend reading who has this impression of "the future intentions of God," total, it has nothing to lose).

However, this reasoning should not arise without the proper foundation, ie, if Satan is the "Bad" in this movie called Bible, then scenes must be registered with its evil, do you know a different way of deduction? I do not consider the suggestion spontaneous correct to say that Satan is well, just because yes, that's intransigence. Conclusion

Unfortunately for the believers of both deities, from a biblical standpoint, and as loving as the Lord is generally believed, much less Satan is so evil and wicked.

From a rational, the Bible itself reflects the Devil more as an enemy of Jehovah as the Judeo-Christian religions might have you believe the faithful through history.

If you are a believer, be it Christian or Satanist and after reading, tested and above all, reasoned what I explained above, I leave your valuable opinion the following questions.

Who do you think is the true enemy of mankind? Are you worshiping the right god? Are they justified their contributions (alms) to religion? Do you really think you are any of these stories and these entities?

In my particular case I do not believe in anything at all of these mythological beings, I consider the purely cultural issue and nothing more, but after reading the Bible, and made a balanza para colocar cada una de la atrocidades de Jehová (el Bueno) y Satanás (el Malo); creo que ésta (la Biblia) sugiere más una inclinación de la balanza de crueldades hacia el lado de Jehová, al tiempo que sugiere una total insignificancia de protagonismo hacia Satanás....

Hasta aquí el texto de Oscar Torres Barrón, una investigación interesante que no se limita a criticar sino que asume los textos como lo que pretenden ser y los expone. Uno puede decir que las interpretaciones, que el contexto, que... pero en el fondo queda flotando la duda ¿será que Dios, de existir, no es tan bueno como nos cuentan?


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