Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wax Beauty Therapy Cover Letter

Forecast for tomorrow D +1 / February 10, 2010

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Forecast Map - Principality of Asturias:

chance of precipitation in percent (%)

Weather Summary - Valgrande-Pajares

forecast for tomorrow - Principality of Asturias
be updated as soon as possible

forecast for tomorrow - Spain , Europe and Rest of World
Se actualizará lo antes posible

Predicción Escrita:
Miércoles, 10 de Febrero de 2010:
Previsión: En la mitad oriental muy nuboso a primeras horas con probabilidad de algunas precipitaciones débiles tendiendo a disminuir la nubosidad durante el día. En el resto nuboso tendiendo a poco nuboso con nubes medias y altas durante la tarde sin descartar alguna precipitación débil y dispersa. Cota de nieve en torno a 500 metros bajando al final del día hasta los 300 metros. Temperaturas en moderado descenso. Heladas débiles en zonas del interior y moderadas en zonas de montaña. Viento del Este y Nordeste flojo.
A destacar: Cota de nieve bajando de 500 a 300 metros. Heladas moderadas en zonas de montaña y débiles en zonas del interior.

Alertas Meteorológicas:
No hay alertas activas.

Previsión por localidades:
Urbanización del Brañillín - 1.450 m.

Estado Meteo:
Nuboso tendiendo a partly cloudy during the afternoon. Possible weak snow and early morning hours. Frost.
Maximum Temperature: -2 ° C
Minimum Temperature: -7 º C

Cueto Black - 1,890 m.

State Weather: Cloudy
tending to partly cloudy during the afternoon. Possible weak snow and early morning hours. Frost.
Maximum Temperature: -4 º C
Minimum Temperature: - 9 º C


State Weather: Sky cloudy to mostly cloudy with showers likely weak tending to recall and reduce cloudiness.
Maximum Temperature:
9 º C
Minimum Temperature: 3 º C


State Weather: Sky cloudy to mostly cloudy with possible showers weak tending to recall and decreasing cloudiness.
Maximum Temperature: 7 ° C

Minimum Temperature: 1 º C


State Weather: Sky cloudy to mostly cloudy with showers likely weak tending to recall and reduce cloudiness.
Maximum Temperature:
9 º C
Minimum Temperature: 3 º C


State Weather: Cloudy . Frost.
Maximum Temperature:
4 º C
Minimum Temperature: -4 ° C

Friday, February 5, 2010

How Do You Open A Model 5056 Brinks Safe

not so good times were 3 and last

E l Socialism (Postmodern Version) governs the province of Santa Fe from the December 11, 2007. After the campaign promises we find a significant gap in economic and, more importantly, social. Binner administration is far from meeting the expectations raised in an important sector of the population. Red in the provincial accounts, breach of commitments, inability to carry forward the tax reform (not to mention the Constitution), energy crisis, growth of crime ... find not a matter of "guilt", I understand very well what it represents, structurally, the State and therefore do not expect too much of this or that party, but not worth the comfortable record that the state is the management board the ruling class ... and rest assured with the appointment of Illich, because it is certainly that, it is much more and sort of work does not exempt us understood. The purpose of this article is just to understand how an administration that came to power with 48% of the vote, with the intention of changing the direction of the province can be found in this critical situation and waiting government funds to avoid a massive national strike by state ...

El peronismo gobernó Santa Fe desde el retorno de la democracia, vale decir durante casi 25 años, un cuarto de siglo, una generación, demasiado tiempo.

Sus administraciones went from bad to fairly good, the best thing you can say about them is that they held "the thing working, have carried out some civil works, salaries paid, waived taxes on the powerful, attempted a clumsy health, social and educational exorbitant contracts awarded to "friends" have faithfully followed the directives of the federal government of the day and its theme, perhaps modeled without knowledge of Paris, was "nec mergitur Fluctuat, dive floats. If the province was not sinking, said Vernet, Reviglio, Reutemann and Obeid, then everything was fine.

During most of those years consisted of two opposition parties escasa diferencia a la hora de actuar, o no hacerlo, uno de ellos de alcance nacional; el radicalismo, y el otro provincial; la democracia progresista ambos nombres notablemente equívocos (pero de eso hablaremos otro día). La coexistencia era pacífica y civilizada; los peronistas sabían que siempre iban a ser gobierno, controlando también el poder legislativo, y los otros que estaban destinados a contentarse con sus discursos.

De carambola, y casi como en una película de enredos, el Partido Socialista, minoritario, histórico pero desvaído, llegó a la Intendencia de Rosario. Los rosarinos se acordarán como fue pero ahora no hay tiempo para contarlo...

Anyway, the boys have done good things yellow. They clung to the opportunity, emphasized Health in (a little less) social assistance, and Culture. capitalized local pride (the ego insportable Rosario) and looked for a fruitful partnership with the media, University and local lobbies. Socialism in Rosario was faithful to its tradition and its project of petty bourgeois liberalism with some college education and enlightened despotism mixed with academic rhetoric.
policy was to one side, there was much enough management and communication and marketing. Not that were disastrous (for that is the PJ), but the truth is that their best efforts, such as the participatory budget were always halfway. They did not dare, "Mormons," never dare ...
The Peronist image deterioration in the province, the growth of Rosario (topic for another article), alliances with the opposition, intelligent discourse and hopefully paved the way to Binner Grey House.

Although it forms a front (Progressive Civic and Social Front, "What a name!) PS, party frame, controls the main areas of government. In Deputies has the most, but not the case in the House Senate where Peronist factions retain power.

So far the description of the scenario.

Socialism, you have to know, no ideology and has no clear program of government, which is similar to PJ. What distinguishes the Peronist almost fetishistic respect for university degrees, the inextinguishable love for the projects and internal discipline des his paintings, nourished by a mystical diffuse subordinates (and justifies) all actions based on the party. No wonder the title of "Mormons" passing on them. PS For there is nothing better than another PS, but a PS degree.

Clearly, these tables do not feel, except in a diluted sense of history, working-class speech, but rather embody a social type widespread. They are professionals with some intellectual varnish, respectful of civil rights, farmer of democratic values \u200b\u200band bourgeois and genuinely moved by social inequalities. Because they have no theory about society or the economy, accept accept capitalism as climate or hydrography data unchangeable reality. In a word, authentic liberal in the fullest sense of the word.

Que, pese a ello, sean considerados de centro izquierda habla claramente de nuestras anomalías políticas.

No sabían, cuando “tomaron el poder”, que no cumplirían con sus promesas de campaña; se reunieron, porque les gusta juntarse y charlar durante horas (sin pagar horas extra, por supuesto) y elaboraron planes políticamente correctos y emplearon profusamente la jerga de los cientistas sociales y crearon cargos de coordinación y…

Escasos fueron los resultados. Organizar un barrio era algo que podían hacer, una ciudad they cost a little more but they manage to successfully overcome, "a province?, well, is more complicated.

were lost in the day to day, and cadres were finally unable to forge political alliances useful or even functional, they underestimated their opponents and, especially, could not build power, only 5 in tactics and a reprobate in strategy.

inertia obstruction united Peronism and the vagaries of the provincial economy (tied to agricultural production) did the rest.

El déficit en las cuentas públicas es producto tanto del manejo errado de los fondos como de la incapacidad para desmontar los mecanismos económicos y políticos de sus predecesores.

Conciente de ello, el PJ les marca la cancha y juega en el terreno que más le gusta. Poco les importa que Binner los exponga ante una sociedad indiferente, lo que cuenta es que se corte la luz, falle la seguridad y haya protestas sociales. Ya se sabe, si el gobierno no gobierna, ellos vuelven.

Es que llegar al poder es fácil, lo difícil es mantenerse en él.


Then the road is almost impassable for the cleanliness of the PS.

confuse While government management, set aside as politics, say the construction of power, not electoral alliances, while unaware of the complexity of this province, especially , while not dare to commit to greater social justice in Santa Fe times go from bad to worse.

is a pity that happen but when it rains, should remember that was they who got worse time ...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Laser For Ocular Hypertension

were not so good times 2

(Note: As I said before, this is a story about local politics for my inability to synthesis I divide it into 3 parts, of which this is the second)

Since late 2007, the Civic and Social Progressive Front, led by the Socialist Party, governed the province of Santa Fe Hermes Binner, former mayor of Rosario, is the governor.
His motto during the election campaign, was "Good Times", but reality, as he begins his third year in office, suggests otherwise.

An attempt to analyze it must begin, of course, to know the setting in which it develops.

The province of Santa Fe has nineteen departments. More interesting that the administrative division are, however, the four or five regions that comprise it, which features economic, social and even cultural determine interests do not always coincide.
the south and on the coast of Paraná, Rosario and its region (which extends, by the way, even a little outside the province). agro industrial complex, is one of the provincial centers of economic power. Strongly autonomy is also the most developed in terms of political action. Epicenter of strikes and claims, home lobbyists, think tanks both for the representatives of economic and social power (Right said before), and for those who want to build alternative power against (what was called left). Believing, rightly not always be the engine of the province.

Further south, and in, the region with its center in Deer Eye. La pampa gringa. Far from the capital, close to a certain extent Rosario, worried about their own agricultural interests. The middle, the most dynamic in the region are closely linked to the farm, the daily life of cities and villages revolves around the "field" because of its prosperity depends on themselves. The farmers are a heterogeneous group in itself, not suitable for reducing or descriptive simplistic as this, but at least we can say that range from the small producer, just saved from the debt, until the owner of large, prosperous ( very successful in some cases) due to soy, produce or rent their land for planting, but not always protected against unpredictable market crashes or expected state imposts. Productive areas, proximity to the terminals, access to credit quality of the courses are factors that qualify these thick lines, and determine policy options.

The administrative center y decisorio está centrado en Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, no en vano cito su nombre colonial, con su proverbial parsimonia (a menudo exageradas desde el sur), con su tradición burocrática del “así se hizo siempre” y con cierto orgullo desdeñoso ante el resto de la provincia.

También con sus gentes olvidadas, como los trabajadores de río, los migrantes venidos desde la pobreza interior, con los que resisten casi de forma refleja.

El norte, con Reconquista y Vera como referentes. Aquí sólo hay dos clases; los que tienen y pueden, los que no tienen ni pueden.

The first is identified by his white skin, cutting their surnames European center and cotton fields before, soy today. Officials, bureaucrats and teachers belong to it who settled with the aid of Remington, the Cross and the Forestry, untamed region that exactly a century ago. The second bit count; are rather morochos and reveal the tenacity of native DNA, Creoles are referred to other epithets they are given from the outside work but can not protest, just listen and follow their supposed leaders, while waiting for handouts those who know, those who have or they can.

The rest of the province, we should mention the Midwest for example, involved a bit of the characteristics of these four.

There is exploitation in Santa Fe, but do not say out loud, there feudalism in many regions, there is patronage and home is not always a Peronist, and not always practiced by political parties.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How Many Pounds Is One Percent Body Fat

were not so good times

(Note: Return to the virtual space with a text policy that has long wanted to write. The synthesis, or the trivialization God knows, is not mi fuerte; por eso divido este artículo en 3 partes a publicar de forma sucesiva)

No son tan buenos los tiempos en la provincia de Santa Fe, pero tal vez sí sea bueno tratar de entender por qué.

El gobierno (la gestión como les gusta mentarla a ellos) socialista del Dr. Binner comienza su tercer, y penúltimo, año. Lo hace en un escenario poco favorable: crisis energética, agravada por las altas temperaturas, pero…, déficit fiscal, irresoluble según pretenden con los instrumentos fiscales vigentes, conflictos laborales con los empleados estatales, en especial los docentes, a punto de estallar.

To those who would have to add the closure of the opposition Peronist, happy when they see the opponent reeling because they understand the key political football, shorts itself into the Progressive Front, where the other parties and small letters bothered not taken into account by the hegemonic Partido Socialista, exhaustion and disillusionment of the population and, finally, more general framework (for Santa Fe, is often overlooked, is part of the Republic), the unclear situation national was called "crisis contained" (which I hope to write another day) which is characterized by maintenance macroeconomic variables, the erosion of wages, the petty intrigues, the rhetoric is CIA and the tension transient of one or another of the actors in the "system" (1) .

[1] Elipsis cómoda para referirme al colectivo: “gobierno-oposición-empresarios-grupos Pressure-media-banking-political operators "

Returning to Santa Fe is, indeed, simplistic analysis can not be ignored but of little explanatory power.
The minority left by vocation, the pamphlets illegible, believes that the government of Binner and yours is a false socialism functional partners of economic power groups. More of the same as they say, proud of his blindness, or sluggishness, conceptual.
socialists themselves, devoted to the cause and the projects, we say that the Peronist opposition do not let them govern (difficult to manage, clarify), the deficit is the result of twenty years of chaos, they have to his credit many important initiatives and that everything would be wonderful if it were that consumer world ah!, need money to pay. In short, management is impeccable and would be perfect without Peronist eyesight and a good bank account, which is to say, "would be great in Sweden." The
Justicialist one for all and all against a , look no further explanation than happy complaint: they are a disaster, they say, and added softly, worse than us. Minimize any, limited but real government's achievements to the hyperbole and exaggerate every one of the errors Binner, that is enough, while also incurring speeches over and over again. Well understood to be the opposition and, with its logic of hooligan, eagerly awaiting the fall of the socialists are going to B!
Lie, economic crisis, ineptitude, the three explanations for the use to understand reality in February of years provincial ten. I think we can go a little further for better understanding, analysis of situation we would say in another era, politics in Santa Fe