Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Laser For Ocular Hypertension

were not so good times 2

(Note: As I said before, this is a story about local politics for my inability to synthesis I divide it into 3 parts, of which this is the second)

Since late 2007, the Civic and Social Progressive Front, led by the Socialist Party, governed the province of Santa Fe Hermes Binner, former mayor of Rosario, is the governor.
His motto during the election campaign, was "Good Times", but reality, as he begins his third year in office, suggests otherwise.

An attempt to analyze it must begin, of course, to know the setting in which it develops.

The province of Santa Fe has nineteen departments. More interesting that the administrative division are, however, the four or five regions that comprise it, which features economic, social and even cultural determine interests do not always coincide.
the south and on the coast of Paraná, Rosario and its region (which extends, by the way, even a little outside the province). agro industrial complex, is one of the provincial centers of economic power. Strongly autonomy is also the most developed in terms of political action. Epicenter of strikes and claims, home lobbyists, think tanks both for the representatives of economic and social power (Right said before), and for those who want to build alternative power against (what was called left). Believing, rightly not always be the engine of the province.

Further south, and in, the region with its center in Deer Eye. La pampa gringa. Far from the capital, close to a certain extent Rosario, worried about their own agricultural interests. The middle, the most dynamic in the region are closely linked to the farm, the daily life of cities and villages revolves around the "field" because of its prosperity depends on themselves. The farmers are a heterogeneous group in itself, not suitable for reducing or descriptive simplistic as this, but at least we can say that range from the small producer, just saved from the debt, until the owner of large, prosperous ( very successful in some cases) due to soy, produce or rent their land for planting, but not always protected against unpredictable market crashes or expected state imposts. Productive areas, proximity to the terminals, access to credit quality of the courses are factors that qualify these thick lines, and determine policy options.

The administrative center y decisorio está centrado en Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, no en vano cito su nombre colonial, con su proverbial parsimonia (a menudo exageradas desde el sur), con su tradición burocrática del “así se hizo siempre” y con cierto orgullo desdeñoso ante el resto de la provincia.

También con sus gentes olvidadas, como los trabajadores de río, los migrantes venidos desde la pobreza interior, con los que resisten casi de forma refleja.

El norte, con Reconquista y Vera como referentes. Aquí sólo hay dos clases; los que tienen y pueden, los que no tienen ni pueden.

The first is identified by his white skin, cutting their surnames European center and cotton fields before, soy today. Officials, bureaucrats and teachers belong to it who settled with the aid of Remington, the Cross and the Forestry, untamed region that exactly a century ago. The second bit count; are rather morochos and reveal the tenacity of native DNA, Creoles are referred to other epithets they are given from the outside work but can not protest, just listen and follow their supposed leaders, while waiting for handouts those who know, those who have or they can.

The rest of the province, we should mention the Midwest for example, involved a bit of the characteristics of these four.

There is exploitation in Santa Fe, but do not say out loud, there feudalism in many regions, there is patronage and home is not always a Peronist, and not always practiced by political parties.


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