Monday, February 1, 2010

How Many Pounds Is One Percent Body Fat

were not so good times

(Note: Return to the virtual space with a text policy that has long wanted to write. The synthesis, or the trivialization God knows, is not mi fuerte; por eso divido este artículo en 3 partes a publicar de forma sucesiva)

No son tan buenos los tiempos en la provincia de Santa Fe, pero tal vez sí sea bueno tratar de entender por qué.

El gobierno (la gestión como les gusta mentarla a ellos) socialista del Dr. Binner comienza su tercer, y penúltimo, año. Lo hace en un escenario poco favorable: crisis energética, agravada por las altas temperaturas, pero…, déficit fiscal, irresoluble según pretenden con los instrumentos fiscales vigentes, conflictos laborales con los empleados estatales, en especial los docentes, a punto de estallar.

To those who would have to add the closure of the opposition Peronist, happy when they see the opponent reeling because they understand the key political football, shorts itself into the Progressive Front, where the other parties and small letters bothered not taken into account by the hegemonic Partido Socialista, exhaustion and disillusionment of the population and, finally, more general framework (for Santa Fe, is often overlooked, is part of the Republic), the unclear situation national was called "crisis contained" (which I hope to write another day) which is characterized by maintenance macroeconomic variables, the erosion of wages, the petty intrigues, the rhetoric is CIA and the tension transient of one or another of the actors in the "system" (1) .

[1] Elipsis cómoda para referirme al colectivo: “gobierno-oposición-empresarios-grupos Pressure-media-banking-political operators "

Returning to Santa Fe is, indeed, simplistic analysis can not be ignored but of little explanatory power.
The minority left by vocation, the pamphlets illegible, believes that the government of Binner and yours is a false socialism functional partners of economic power groups. More of the same as they say, proud of his blindness, or sluggishness, conceptual.
socialists themselves, devoted to the cause and the projects, we say that the Peronist opposition do not let them govern (difficult to manage, clarify), the deficit is the result of twenty years of chaos, they have to his credit many important initiatives and that everything would be wonderful if it were that consumer world ah!, need money to pay. In short, management is impeccable and would be perfect without Peronist eyesight and a good bank account, which is to say, "would be great in Sweden." The
Justicialist one for all and all against a , look no further explanation than happy complaint: they are a disaster, they say, and added softly, worse than us. Minimize any, limited but real government's achievements to the hyperbole and exaggerate every one of the errors Binner, that is enough, while also incurring speeches over and over again. Well understood to be the opposition and, with its logic of hooligan, eagerly awaiting the fall of the socialists are going to B!
Lie, economic crisis, ineptitude, the three explanations for the use to understand reality in February of years provincial ten. I think we can go a little further for better understanding, analysis of situation we would say in another era, politics in Santa Fe


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